NorthernMan54 / homebridge-cmd-television

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No plugin was found for the accessory "cmd-television" in your config.json. #22

Open unizhu opened 1 year ago

unizhu commented 1 year ago


I followed the installation steps and paired with Apple tv, however when I restart the homebridge, it shows No plugin was found for the accessory "cmd-television" in your config.json. Please make sure the corresponding plugin is installed correctly.

I run the command

npm i -g

both in Debian root terminal and HomeBridge terminal without any luck.

Regards, Uni

unizhu commented 1 year ago

On debian:

node -v : v18.11.0
npm -v : 8.19.2
homebridge is up-to-date

On Homebridge terminal:

homebridge@PI-Hole:/var/lib/homebridge $ node -v
homebridge@PI-Hole:/var/lib/homebridge $ npm -v
saschafiedler commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem. Apparently the request module was missing so that the plugin could not be started. Could fix it with npm install request --save This comment suggests that it might be due to not having installed node.js via the official repository.