NorthernMan54 / homebridge-cmd-television

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icon in Home app shows as 'home' instead of 'television' #7

Open aharbis opened 2 years ago

aharbis commented 2 years ago

Everything is working great, this is purely cosmetic. In the Home app I'm unable to change the icon shown for the accessory tile, and it is currently represented as a default 'home' or 'house' icon:


I think if the characteristic was configured to be a television, it should be possible to show as a TV, similar to my TCL Roku in the following:


The icon in the middle is my homebridge-cmd-television accessory.

aharbis commented 2 years ago

I wonder if something like this might be needed:

    // set the accessory category
    this.tvAccessory.category = this.api.hap.Categories.TELEVISION;

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

Tks for reporting this. I had never noticed this as I use it exclusively with homebridge-alexa, for my top WAF scoring home automation feature, 'Alexa, turn off the TV'.

If someone wanted to do a quick pull request with the change, I will publish it.

aharbis commented 2 years ago

Looks like just adding the category is not enough to fix this for HomeKit. The TV accessories need to be published externally using the publishExternalAccessories API from Homebridge, instead of automatically registered by the plugin.

See for reference.

I might be interested in submitting a PR for this, but it would be a breaking change as users would need to re-add their TV accessories to HomeKit (once) so they are no longer bridged accessories.

greatestview commented 2 years ago

Most of my Homebridge Plugins show up as simple Switches. What about that as an alternative? Maybe a bit more descriptive than a house.

UKenGB commented 1 year ago

Any update on this? Does it get a better icon now?

UKenGB commented 1 year ago

In my Homebridge/HomeKit setup, these accessories show up in as TVs, which looks great, but…

Third Party HomeKit apps (like Controller that I use) are BARRED from accessing TVs. So although these accessories can be used and manipulated in (to the limited extent that can do anything), these are simply not visible at all in Controller.

So a single Automation that needs to trigger on one of these Apple TV accessories AND a regular accessory is IMPOSSIBLE, because does not provide multiple triggers and Controller (other good HomeKit apps are available :-) cannot see an apparently 'TV' accessory. So Apple have us completely stymied, for bizarre reasons I fail to understand, other than they simply enjoy buggering around their loyal users.