NorthernMan54 / homebridge-mcuiot

Homebridge platform plugin that support's a network of nodemcu's running nodemcu-dht-yl69-mdns to display Temperature and Humidity.
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Error with latest lua files from git when not using a battery on adc pin #20

Closed chimcen closed 5 years ago

chimcen commented 5 years ago


i've tested the latest git version on my nodemcu with a bem280 connected. Idon't use a battery - i've connected my node with usb to a wallcharger.

I've setup model "bme" in config.lua, but when grab the data from the node i've receiving this error:

PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (main.lua:59: attempt to concatenate global 'batteryString' (a nil value))

NorthernMan54 commented 5 years ago

This was resolved by the latest version v0.1.54

chimcen commented 5 years ago

Works. Thank you.