NorthernMan54 / node-red-contrib-homebridge-automation

Homebridge and Node-RED Integration
Apache License 2.0
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hb control node loses connection #94

Open ahartman opened 3 years ago

ahartman commented 3 years ago

I am returning to the use of your module after 2 years of using home Assistant, since HA now crashes every night. I note the following issue. I have 4 control nodes for Shelly switches defined in Homebridge. These nodes lose connection with Homebridge almost daily. At the same time a status node for the same Shelly switch reports status correctly. Please see 'Inkom Deur' in the screen image at the right top (control node) and at the bottom (status node).

I also note that three of the four Shelly switches are 'device not available', 'Inkom Straatlamp' is still ok. In the iPhone Home app, all 4 devices can be operated normally. Sending a control signal to a device 'not available' makes the device behave normally!


Regards, ahartman, belgium

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

The 'Device not available' message is triggered when homebridge-automation can't find the device in it's device cache. Is your system stable ? I'm thinking it may occur shortly after node-red starts, before the cache is fully populated ( usually within about 30 seconds or so from startup ). The node-red log will have some messages about device discovery.

AdamVR7 commented 2 years ago

The 'Device not available' message is triggered when homebridge-automation can't find the device in it's device cache. Is your system stable ? I'm thinking it may occur shortly after node-red starts, before the cache is fully populated ( usually within about 30 seconds or so from startup ). The node-red log will have some messages about device discovery.

Hi! Could you tell me how I can clear this devices cache, otherwise for a very long time (20 minutes after reboot) the "availability" of devices appears? It started after the upgrade of the homebridge. The system works stably.

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

Are you starting node-red last, after starting Homebridge etc ? Is their a possibility node-red is starting before homebridge is ready, and that is causing this behaviour ?

In my setup I have node-red start 30 seconds after homebridge, to give Homebridge time to start up etc.

AdamVR7 commented 2 years ago

Are you starting node-red last, after starting Homebridge etc ? Is their a possibility node-red is starting before homebridge is ready, and that is causing this behaviour ?

I don’t know(

In my setup I have node-red start 30 seconds after homebridge, to give Homebridge time to start up etc.

Could you tell me how

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

In my setup I use systemd to control the startup sequence of the services.

SyBeer commented 1 year ago

If it still a pain for you, check your homebridge instances. They should be switched into "INSECURE MODE". "