I have compiled the code and uploaded it to a lilygo, that went without issues.
It looks like the code is running correctly. The green led is flashing when i controll a 433mhz device
Scanning with a phone, it looks like there is no wifi managere started.
How can i setup the credentials for wifi and mqtt?
what kind of log?
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html
default_envs = esp32_lilygo
src_dir = .
arduinolog = https://github.com/1technophile/Arduino-Log.git#d13cd80
arduinojson = ArduinoJson@5.13.4
rtl_433_ESP = symlink://../../../rtl_433_ESP ; Builds library from source directory
framework = arduino
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
;platform = espressif32@3.5.0
platform = espressif32@6.1.0
lib_ldf_mode = chain+
lib_deps =
board = esp32dev
build_flags =
'-DONBOARD_LED=2' ; My ESP32 board had this wiring
; *** rtl_433_ESP Options ***
'-DOOK_MODULATION=false' ; False is FSK, True is OOK
'-DRTL_DEBUG=4' ; rtl_433 verbose mode
; '-DRTL_VERBOSE=58' ; LaCrosse TX141-Bv2, TX141TH-Bv2, TX141-Bv3, TX141W, TX145wsdth sensor
; '-DRAW_SIGNAL_DEBUG=true' ; display raw received messages
; '-DMEMORY_DEBUG=true' ; display memory usage information
'-DDEMOD_DEBUG=true' ; display signal debug info
; '-DMY_DEVICES=true' ; subset of devices
; '-DPUBLISH_UNPARSED=true' ; publish unparsed signal details
; '-DRSSI_THRESHOLD=12' ; Apply a delta of 12 to average RSSI level
; '-DAVERAGE_RSSI=5000' ; Display RSSI floor ( Average of 5000 samples )
; '-DSIGNAL_RSSI=true' ; Display during signal receive
; '-DOOK_MODULATION=false' ; False is FSK, True is OOK
; *** RF Module Options ***
'-DRF_CC1101="CC1101"' ; CC1101 Transceiver Module
; '-DRF_MODULE_CS=5' ; pin to be used as chip select
'-DRF_MODULE_GDO0=13' ; CC1101 pin GDO0 - Breadboard is 22 versus 13 on soldered
'-DRF_MODULE_GDO2=4' ; CC1101 pin GDO2
; '-DRF_MODULE_INIT_STATUS=true' ; Display transceiver config during startup
; *** RadioLib Options ***
; *** FSK Setting Testing ***
monitor_port = /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
monitor_speed = 921600
upload_port = /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
upload_speed = 921600
board = heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2
build_flags =
'-DONBOARD_LED=LED_BUILTIN' ; Onboard LED is GPIO 25 on the Heltec Board
; *** rtl_433_ESP Options ***
; '-DRTL_DEBUG=4' ; rtl_433 verbose mode
; '-DRTL_VERBOSE=58' ; LaCrosse TX141-Bv2, TX141TH-Bv2, TX141-Bv3, TX141W, TX145wsdth sensor
; '-DRAW_SIGNAL_DEBUG=true' ; display raw received messages
; '-DMEMORY_DEBUG=true' ; display memory usage information
; '-DDEMOD_DEBUG=true' ; display signal debug info
; '-DMY_DEVICES=true' ; subset of devices
; '-DPUBLISH_UNPARSED=true' ; publish unparsed signal details
; '-DRSSI_THRESHOLD=12' ; Apply a delta of 12
; '-DOOK_FIXED_THRESHOLD=0x50' ; Inital OOK Threhold - Only for SX127X
; '-DAVERAGE_RSSI=5000' ; Display RSSI floor ( Average of 5000 samples )
; '-DSIGNAL_RSSI=true' ; Display during signal receive
; *** RF Module Options ***
; '-DRF_SX1278="SX1278"' ; Heltec ESP 32 Module - module settings come from heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2/pins_arduino.h
; '-DRF_MODULE_DIO0=26' ; SX1276 pin DIO0
; '-DRF_MODULE_DIO1=35' ; SX1276 pin DIO1
; '-DRF_MODULE_DIO2=34' ; SX1276 pin DIO2
; '-DRF_MODULE_RST=14' ; pin to be used as hardware reset
; '-DRF_MODULE_INIT_STATUS=true' ; Display transceiver config during startup
; *** Heltec module requires non-standard SPI Config ***
; '-DRF_MODULE_CS=18' ; pin to be used as chip select
; *** RadioLib Options ***
; *** Setting Testing ***
monitor_port = /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
monitor_speed = 921600
upload_port = /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
upload_speed = 921600
board = heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2
build_flags =
'-DONBOARD_LED=LED_BUILTIN' ; Onboard LED is GPIO 25 on the Heltec Board
; *** rtl_433_ESP Options ***
; '-DOOK_MODULATION=false' ; False is FSK, True is OOK
; '-DRF_SX1276="SX1276"'
; '-DRTL_DEBUG=4' ; rtl_433 verbose mode
; '-DRTL_VERBOSE=58' ; LaCrosse TX141-Bv2, TX141TH-Bv2, TX141-Bv3, TX141W, TX145wsdth sensor
; '-DRAW_SIGNAL_DEBUG=true' ; display raw received messages
; '-DMEMORY_DEBUG=true' ; display memory usage information
; '-DDEMOD_DEBUG=true' ; display signal debug info
; '-DMY_DEVICES=true' ; subset of devices
; '-DPUBLISH_UNPARSED=true' ; publish unparsed signal details
; '-DRSSI_THRESHOLD=12' ; Apply a delta of 12
; '-DOOK_FIXED_THRESHOLD=0x50' ; Inital OOK Threhold - Only for SX127X
; '-DAVERAGE_RSSI=5000' ; Display RSSI floor ( Average of 5000 samples )
; '-DSIGNAL_RSSI=true' ; Display during signal receive
; *** RF Module Options ***
; '-DRF_SX1278="SX1278"' ; Heltec ESP 32 Module - module settings come from heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2/pins_arduino.h
; '-DRF_MODULE_DIO0=26' ; SX1276 pin DIO0
; '-DRF_MODULE_DIO1=35' ; SX1276 pin DIO1
; '-DRF_MODULE_DIO2=34' ; SX1276 pin DIO2
; '-DRF_MODULE_RST=14' ; pin to be used as hardware reset
'-DRF_MODULE_INIT_STATUS=true' ; Display transceiver config during startup
; *** Heltec module requires non-standard SPI Config ***
; '-DRF_MODULE_CS=18' ; pin to be used as chip select
; *** RadioLib Options ***
; *** Setting Testing ***
monitor_port = /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
monitor_speed = 921600
upload_port = /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
upload_speed = 921600
board = ttgo-lora32-v21 ; ~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/variants/.../pins_arduino.h
build_flags =
'-DONBOARD_LED=LED_BUILTIN' ; Onboard LED is GPIO 25 on the Heltec Board
; *** rtl_433_ESP Options ***
; '-DRTL_DEBUG=4' ; rtl_433 verbose mode
; '-DRTL_VERBOSE=19' ; LaCrosse TX141-Bv2, TX141TH-Bv2, TX141-Bv3, TX141W, TX145wsdth sensor
; '-DRAW_SIGNAL_DEBUG=true' ; display raw received messages
; '-DMEMORY_DEBUG=true' ; display memory usage information
; '-DSTACK_DEBUG=true' ; display stack usage information
; '-DDEMOD_DEBUG=true' ; display signal debug info
; '-DMY_DEVICES=true' ; subset of devices
; '-DPUBLISH_UNPARSED=true' ; publish unparsed signal details
; '-DRSSI_THRESHOLD=12' ; Apply a delta of 12
; '-DMINRSSI=70'
; '-DOOK_FIXED_THRESHOLD=0x50' ; Inital OOK Threhold - Only for SX127X
; '-DAVERAGE_RSSI=5000' ; Display RSSI floor ( Average of 5000 samples )
; '-DSIGNAL_RSSI=true' ; Display during signal receive
; '-DOOK_MODULATION=false' ; False is FSK, True is OOK
; *** RF Module Options ***
; '-DRF_SX1278="SX1278"' ; Heltec ESP 32 Module - module settings come from heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2/pins_arduino.h
; '-DRF_MODULE_DIO0=26' ; SX1276 pin DIO0
; '-DRF_MODULE_DIO1=35' ; SX1276 pin DIO1
; '-DRF_MODULE_DIO2=34' ; SX1276 pin DIO2
; '-DRF_MODULE_RST=14' ; pin to be used as hardware reset
; '-DRF_MODULE_INIT_STATUS=true' ; Display transceiver config during startup
; *** Heltec module requires non-standard SPI Config ***
; '-DRF_MODULE_CS=18' ; pin to be used as chip select
; *** RadioLib Options ***
; *** FSK Setting Testing ***
;monitor_port = /dev/cu.wchusbserial543502851101
;monitor_speed = 921600
;upload_port = /dev/cu.wchusbserial543502851101
;upload_speed = 921600
board = esp32doit-devkit-v1
build_flags =
'-DONBOARD_LED=LED_BUILTIN' ; Onboard LED is GPIO 25 on the Heltec Board
; *** rtl_433_ESP Options ***
; '-DRTL_DEBUG=4' ; rtl_433 verbose mode
; '-DRTL_VERBOSE=58' ; LaCrosse TX141-Bv2, TX141TH-Bv2, TX141-Bv3, TX141W, TX145wsdth sensor
; '-DRAW_SIGNAL_DEBUG=true' ; display raw received messages
; '-DMEMORY_DEBUG=true' ; display memory usage information
'-DDEMOD_DEBUG=true' ; display signal debug info
; '-DMY_DEVICES=true' ; subset of devices
'-DPUBLISH_UNPARSED=true' ; publish unparsed signal details
'-DRSSI_THRESHOLD=12' ; Apply a delta of 12 (default 9)
'-DOOK_FIXED_THRESHOLD=0x50' ; Inital OOK Threhold - Only for SX127X (default 5A)
; '-DAVERAGE_RSSI=5000' ; Display RSSI floor ( Average of 5000 samples )
'-DSIGNAL_RSSI=true' ; Display during signal receive
; *** RF Module Options ***
'-DRF_SX1278="SX1278"' ;
'-DRF_MODULE_DIO0=15' ; SX1276 pin DIO0
'-DRF_MODULE_DIO1=4' ; SX1276 pin DIO1
'-DRF_MODULE_DIO2=16' ; SX1276 pin DIO2
'-DRF_MODULE_RST=17' ; pin to be used as hardware reset
'-DRF_MODULE_INIT_STATUS=true' ; Display transceiver config during startup
; *** Heltec module requires non-standard SPI Config ***
'-DRF_MODULE_CS=5' ; pin to be used as chip select
; *** RadioLib Options ***
monitor_port = /dev/cu.usbserial-0001
monitor_speed = 921600
upload_port = /dev/cu.usbserial-0001
upload_speed = 921600
Current Situation
I have compiled the code and uploaded it to a lilygo, that went without issues. It looks like the code is running correctly. The green led is flashing when i controll a 433mhz device Scanning with a phone, it looks like there is no wifi managere started.
How can i setup the credentials for wifi and mqtt?
Process Supervisor
Additional Context
No response