NorthernMan54 / rtl_433_ESP

Trial port of the rtl_433 Library for use with OpenMQTTGateway on a ESP32 and a CC1101 Transceiver
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OOK_Receiver + LiLyGo LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 + Display? #138

Open grymoire opened 1 month ago

grymoire commented 1 month ago

Current Situation

I've gotten OOK_Receiver running, but I wondered if anyone has added display output? Essentially, it would be easier to demonstrate the program if the display showed activity.

Proposed Change

If there is a display, then show packet activity there as well as the serial log.

Additional Context

I might have several dongles plugged into a laptop. This would not only make it easier to me to keep track of activity, but it would also show others that is is working properly.

NorthernMan54 commented 1 month ago

The code that drives the display is part of openMQTTGateway. Install a recent version and it will turn on

grymoire commented 1 month ago

I did, and it displays "Connect your phone to WiFi OMG_ESP32_LORA" I don't want a gateway. I don't have a MQTT server. I want a sniffer, like OOK_Receiver but I want info on the display as well as the serial port.

grymoire commented 1 month ago

I've tried to add the display by copying piece of openMQTTGateway, but I could use some hints. I'm not a skilled platformio user.

NorthernMan54 commented 1 month ago

The display code within OMG is actually quite complex, as it supports a lot of different message formats beyond rtl_433 and also uses internal message queuing so transplanting it from the OMG code base is very complex. But it is based on this library -

It should be feasible to take one of the SSD1306 examples and extend it to display the rtl_433_ESP serial messages - ie the frame 4 example

Or to get something going quickly, install OMG - lilygo-rtl_433 and configure wifi and MQTT. For MQTT just install mosquito on a device that is always on.

PS Platformio is the preferred development IDE for coding ESP and other devices. It is well worth the effort to get familiar with.

grymoire commented 1 month ago

Okay, Thanks. I'll give it a try