NorthernWidget / DS3231

Communicates between Arduino-programmed AVR and Maxim DS3231 RTC: splice of Ayars' ( and Jeelabs/Ladyada's ( libraries
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timestamt and unix time don't match #30

Open mrtdlv opened 3 years ago

mrtdlv commented 3 years ago

Hey, I use this library and wehen I set the time of the RTC ds3231 to the current time (UTC time zone) and afterwards ask for timestamp.hour()(minute()/seconds() and the unixtime() the unix time is offset compared to hours, minutes by 2 hours can it be that the ds3231 can be set to a specific time zone and thereby gives me this offset? thanks

awickert commented 1 year ago

@mrtdlv Thanks for this. Now, nearly two years later, could you provide some code to reproduce this issue?

The DS3231 should know just one time zone, so this is strange.

IowaDave commented 1 year ago

Hello @mrtdlv , I hope I can help a little with your question.

May I begin by responding to your conjecture about time zone information being set somehow in a DS3231 or a DateTime object? How nice it might be. Alas, neither the DS3231 nor the DateTime class incorporate any information about time zone or Daylight Savings Time.

I realize some time has passed since you posted this issue. Recently, in late summer 2022, there has been some further work done on using Unix-style timestamps with this Library.

You could help us out, if you choose, by downloading the current library and testing it. Use the Zip archive method to get the most recent work.

I don't believe I have enough information to picture the experience you describe , at least not accurately enough to gauge what happened to you.

I was able to reproduce an experience similar to the one you describe. I obtained a Unix-style timestamp by entering a certain date and time into a web page that converts such information into Unix timestamps. When I put the converted timestamp into a DS3231, using setEpoch(), the time information on the clock differed from my inputs to the web page by a couple of hours, exactly.

Eventually I realized the web page was performing a time zone adjustment by guessing my local time zone based on my IP address. It then added some hours to calculate an equivalent GMT time. The timestamp it gave me was for that different GMT time, not for the date and time values I typed in.

My solution was to adjust the web page inputs until the GMT Time equivalent matched the date, hour, minutes and seconds I wanted to set. When I used the resulting timestamp with setEpoch() the clock settings matched my expectation.

In other words, the DS3231 (and the DateTime class) treat Unix-style timestamps as if they were for the GMT time zone.

Lesson I learned: the program writer bears the responsibility to supply the DS3231 and DateTime class objects with sensible time values that suit the purposes of the program.

I'm going to think about your questions a bit longer. If you have any further thoughts to share please post them here. Thanks again for reaching out with your questions.

IowaDave commented 1 year ago

@awickert @mrtdlv I am changing the label on this Issue to "more-info-needed" for the following reasons:

It would be much appreciated for the original poster to try the updated Library and let us know if the problem persists.