NotAShelf / nvf

A highly modular, extensible and distro-agnostic Neovim configuration framework for Nix/NixOS.
MIT License
155 stars 24 forks source link

Smartcolumn error message when opening a file where it's triggered if the snipped I marked with # FIXME is uncommented #312

Closed Soliprem closed 2 months ago

Soliprem commented 2 months ago

⚠️ Please verify that this bug has NOT been reported before.


Pretty much the title

👟 Reproduction steps

this is the detailed config, as requested on discord:

  programs.nvf = {
    enable = true;
    # your settings need to go into the settings attribute set
    # most settings are documented in the appendix
    settings = {
      vim = {
        useSystemClipboard = true;
        viAlias = true;
        vimAlias = true;
        debugMode = {
          enable = false;
          level = 16;
          logFile = "/tmp/nvim.log";

        spellcheck = {
          enable = true;

        lsp = {
          formatOnSave = true;
          lspkind.enable = false;
          lightbulb.enable = true;
          lspsaga.enable = false;
          nvimCodeActionMenu.enable = false;
          trouble.enable = true;
          lspSignature.enable = true;
          lsplines.enable = true;
          nvim-docs-view.enable = false; # lags *horribly* whenever l is pressed

        debugger = {
          nvim-dap = {
            enable = true;
            ui.enable = true;

        languages = {
          enableLSP = true;
          enableFormat = true;
          enableTreesitter = true;
          enableExtraDiagnostics = true;

          # Nim LSP is broken on Darwin and therefore
          # should be disabled by default. Users may still enable
          # `vim.languages.vim` to enable it, this does not restrict
          # that.
          # See: <>
          nim.enable = false;

          nix.enable = true;

          markdown.enable = true;
          html.enable = true;
          css.enable = true;
          sql.enable = true;
          java.enable = false;
          ts.enable = true;
          svelte.enable = false;
          go.enable = true;
          elixir.enable = false;
          zig.enable = true;
          ocaml.enable = true;
          python.enable = true;
          dart.enable = false;
          bash.enable = true;
          tailwind.enable = false;
          typst.enable = true;
          clang = {
            enable = true;
            lsp.server = "clangd";

          rust = {
            enable = true;
            crates.enable = true;

        visuals = {
          enable = true;
          nvimWebDevicons.enable = true;
          scrollBar.enable = false;
          smoothScroll.enable = true;
          cellularAutomaton.enable = true;
          fidget-nvim.enable = true;
          highlight-undo.enable = true;

          indentBlankline = {
            enable = true;
            fillChar = null;
            eolChar = null;
            scope = {
              enabled = true;

          cursorline = {
            enable = true;
            lineTimeout = 0;

        statusline = {
          lualine = {
            enable = true;
            theme = "catppuccin";

        theme = {
          enable = true;
          name = "catppuccin";
          style = "mocha";
          transparent = false;

        autopairs.enable = true;

        autocomplete = {
          enable = true;
          type = "nvim-cmp";

        filetree = {
          nvimTree = {
            enable = false;

        tabline = {
          nvimBufferline.enable = false;

        treesitter.context.enable = true;

        binds = {
          whichKey.enable = true;
          cheatsheet.enable = true;

        telescope.enable = true;

        git = {
          enable = true;
          gitsigns.enable = true;
          gitsigns.codeActions.enable = false; # throws an annoying debug message

        minimap = {
          minimap-vim.enable = false;
          codewindow.enable = false; # lighter, faster, and uses lua for configuration

        dashboard = {
          dashboard-nvim.enable = false;
          alpha.enable = false;

        notify = {
          nvim-notify.enable = true;

        projects = {
          project-nvim.enable = false;

        utility = {
          ccc.enable = false;
          vim-wakatime.enable = true;
          icon-picker.enable = false;
          surround.enable = true;
          diffview-nvim.enable = true;
          motion = {
            hop.enable = false;
            leap.enable = true;

          images = {
            image-nvim.enable = false;

        notes = {
          obsidian.enable = false; # FIXME: neovim fails to build if obsidian is enabled
          orgmode.enable = false;
          mind-nvim.enable = true;
          todo-comments.enable = true;

        terminal = {
          toggleterm = {
            enable = true;
            lazygit.enable = true;

        ui = {
          borders.enable = true;
          noice.enable = true;
          colorizer.enable = true;
          modes-nvim.enable = false; # the theme looks terrible with catppuccin
          illuminate.enable = true;
          breadcrumbs = {
            enable = true;
            navbuddy.enable = true;
          smartcolumn = {
            enable = true;
            # setupOpts.custom_colorcolumn = {  #FIXME: throws an annoying debug message
            #   # this is a freeform module, it's `buftype = int;` for configuring column position
            #   nix = 110;
            #   ruby = 120;
            #   java = 130;
            #   go = [90 130];
            # };

        assistant = {
          chatgpt.enable = false;
          copilot = {
            enable = false;
            cmp.enable = true;

        session = {
          nvim-session-manager.enable = false;

        gestures = {
          gesture-nvim.enable = false;

        comments = {
          comment-nvim.enable = true;

        presence = {
          neocord.enable = false;

👀 Expected behavior

shouldn't have an error message

😓 Actual Behavior

has an error message

💻 Metadata

📝 Relevant log output
