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Roadmapping for the SILK Corp Guide #316

Open Aini-Bashir opened 9 months ago

Aini-Bashir commented 9 months ago

Description: Roadmapping for the SILK Guide involves the strategic planning and development of a clear, organized, and dynamic roadmap for the evolution and growth of the SILK Guide website and associated resources. This roadmap serves as a navigational tool that outlines the future direction and milestones of the SILK Guide, ensuring alignment with the franchise's objectives and the evolving needs of its users.

Purpose: The primary purpose of roadmapping is to provide a structured approach to the ongoing development and enhancement of the SILK Guide. It serves as a proactive strategy to:

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly articulate the short-term and long-term goals and objectives of the SILK Guide, ensuring they are aligned with the broader franchise mission.

  2. Prioritize Initiatives: Identify key initiatives, features, and content updates that need to be prioritized to enhance the user experience and meet franchise goals.

  3. Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocate resources, including human resources, budget, and technology, to support the implementation of roadmap items.

  4. Mitigate Risks: Identify potential roadblocks and challenges that may arise during development and devise strategies to mitigate them.

Approach: Roadmapping for the SILK Guide involves several critical steps:

  1. Needs Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the SILK Guide, including user feedback, website performance, and emerging industry trends.

  2. Goal Setting: Define clear and measurable objectives for the SILK Guide, such as improving user engagement, expanding content, or enhancing mobile responsiveness.

  3. Idea Generation: Encourage input and ideas from stakeholders, including franchise team members, web developers, designers, and end-users, to generate a pool of potential roadmap items.

  4. Prioritization: Prioritize roadmap items based on their impact on franchise goals, user value, and feasibility. Consider factors like cost, resource availability, and timeline.

  5. Timeline Development: Create a timeline that outlines when each roadmap item will be initiated, developed, and launched. Establish milestones and deadlines for progress tracking.

  6. Communication Plan: Develop a communication strategy to keep all stakeholders informed about roadmap progress, changes, and achievements.

Importance: A well-structured roadmap is essential for the continued success and relevance of the SILK Guide for several reasons:

Outcome: The successful implementation of a well-defined roadmap for the SILK Guide will lead to:

In conclusion, roadmapping for the SILK Guide is a strategic initiative aimed at ensuring the website's continued growth, relevance, and alignment with the franchise's mission and objectives. It serves as a dynamic guide for decision-making and resource allocation, ultimately benefiting franchisees, customers, and the franchise as a whole.

Aini-Bashir commented 9 months ago

I'm working on this issue as this is my top priority. I'll conduct my proper research on how to create a mermaid file, take assistance from the AI bots, and then prepare a complete documentation on the visual representation of the whole SILK Project. It will take 2 days to complete.

Aini-Bashir commented 9 months ago

I'm going to create a roadmap synopsis on what each milestone entails, what are we trying to cover in each milestone, and what would be the outcome/main goal for each milestone. It will take 10-15 minutes to of my research and a total probably 30 minutes to create a file and a pull request.

Aini-Bashir commented 8 months ago

I'm going to work on this issue again. We've discussed making some changes in the recent synopsis and .md file. Going to add an "Islamic community Funnel" in the roadmap and some other changes on Canva. It will take more than an hour.

SuzyQuant commented 8 months ago


SILK Roadmap

  1. Priority Planning

  2. Interdisciplinary Organizational Theory (IOT) Documentation

    • Overview

    • University Scholarship Request for IOT R&D and Thesis

  3. Cultural Exchange Program (Q Visa)

  4. Franchisee SILK Guide

    • SILK Ambassador Standards
    • E-2 Visa Template
  5. Spiritual Community Documentation

    • Catholic Community Research
    • Islam Community Research
    • Buddhist Community Research
    • Hindu Community Research
    • Christian Community Research
    • Yoga Community Research
    • Non-Denominative Community Research
  6. Healthy Living in MOV Research

    • Food
    • Excursions
  7. SILK Homes in MOV

    • List of Workers
    • United Home Partnership
      • Architectural Project Management Development
    • Short Term & Mid Term Renting Strategy
  8. SILK Cafe in Ravenswood

    • Health Inspection
    • Architectural Diagram for Restaurant
    • Business Plan
Aini-Bashir commented 8 months ago

I'm going to work on the roadmap today. As we have some new changes on the roadmap and also going to add the description of each step. The whole team will focus on clarity, creativity, and detailed description of each milestone and overall, it will take more than two hours of work.