NotePlan / plugins

The main NotePlan repository, which contains the source code for all NotePlan plugins. If a release entry has been created, it will be available for installation from within NotePlan application.
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addTheme doesn't seem to work #365

Open dwertheimer opened 2 years ago

dwertheimer commented 2 years ago

I am trying to use the API Editor.addTheme but I can't get the API to work.

function addDefaultTheme() {
  const success = Editor.addTheme(masterTheme, 'themeChooseMasterTheme.json')
  logDebug(pluginJson, `addDefaultTheme saving theme success: ${String(success)}`)

I get:

Failed to add theme, error = invalidJSON
2022-11-24 09:18:22 | DEBUG | ../plugin.json :: addDefaultTheme saving theme success: false

When I run the JSON through it shows as valid So why can't I save it? Here's the JSON I'm trying to save:

  "docs": "",
  "name": "ThemeChooserMasterTheme",
  "style": "Light",
  "author": {
    "name": "Panda",
    "email": ""
  "editor": {
    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
    "backgroundColor_info": {
      "description": "Background color of the editor",
      "type": "color",
      "example": "Any text should demonstrate the color behind it"
    "altBackgrounfdColor": "#FAFFFF",
    "tintColor": "#aaaaaa",
    "tintColor2": "#DD4C4F",
    "textColor": "#333333",
    "toolbarBackgroundColor": "#F3F5F7",
    "toolbarIconColor": "#dd4c4f",
    "menuItemColor": "#dd4c4f",
    "shouldOverwriteFont": false,
    "shouldOverwriteFont_info": {
      "description": "Preference settings should overwrite the font of the editor. Yes by default, Select No if you want the font in your theme file to be used regardless of what the preferences say.",
      "type": "boolean",
      "example": "Any text should demonstrate the text being overriden"
    "timeBlockColor": "#d87001"
  "styles": {
    "body": {
      "description": "Body text: font, size and color",
      "font": "AvenirNext-Regular",
      "size": 16,
      "color": "#444444"
    "title1": {
      "font": "AvenirNext-DemiBold",
      "color": "#000000",
      "size": 28
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      "font": "AvenirNext-DemiBold",
      "color": "#000000",
      "size": 24
    "title3": {
      "font": "AvenirNext-DemiBold",
      "color": "#000000",
      "size": 20
    "title4": {
      "regex": "^\\h*(####+ )(.*)",
      "matchPosition": 2,
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      "underlineStyle": 1
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      "color": "#40000000",
      "size": 28,
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      "font": "AvenirNext-DemiBold"
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      "color": "#40000000",
      "size": 20,
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      "size": 16
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      "color": "#009155"
    "checked": {
      "regex": "(^\\h*[\\*\\-]{1} |^\\h*[0-9]+[\\.\\)] )(\\[x\\] )(.*)",
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      "size": 16
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      "size": 16
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      "font": "Menlo-Regular"
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    "done-date": {},
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    "hashtag": {
      "type": "",
      "COMMENT": "Disabled link by setting hashtag to empty string"
    "attag": {
      "type": "",
      "COMMENT": "Disabled link by setting hashtag to empty string"
    "phonenumber": {},
    "highlighted": {
      "regex": "(==)([^\\s].+)(==)",
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      "regex": "(==)([^\\s].+)(==)",
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      "regex": "(==)([^\\s].+)(==)",
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      "matchPosition": 3
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      "regex": "(~~)([^~]{1,})(~~)",
      "matchPosition": 2,
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      "color": "#888888",
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    "strikethrough-left-tilde": {
      "regex": "(~~)([^~]{1,})(~~)",
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      "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
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      "isRevealOnCursorRange": true
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      "regex": "(~~)([^~]{1,})(~~)",
      "matchPosition": 3,
      "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
      "color": "#d9d9d9",
      "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
      "isRevealOnCursorRange": true
    "checked-override": {
      "regex": "(^\\h*[\\*\\-]{1} |^\\h*[0-9]+[\\.\\)] )(\\[x\\] )(.*)",
      "matchPosition": 0,
      "backgroundColor": "#FFE5E5",
      "color": "#CDC6C5",
      "headIndent": 33,
      "strikethroughStyle": 1

    "checked-canceled": {
      "regex": "(^\\h*[\\*\\-]{1} |^\\h*[0-9]+[\\.\\)] )(\\[\\-\\] )(.*)",
      "matchPosition": 0,

      "color": "#CDC6C5",
      "headIndent": 33,
      "strikethroughStyle": 1

    "checked-scheduled": {
      "regex": "(^\\h*[\\*\\-]{1} |^\\h*[0-9]+[\\.\\)] )(\\[\\>\\] )(.*)",
      "matchPosition": 0,

      "color": "#cccccc",
      "headIndent": 33
    "Templates_tags_old": {
      "regex": "(?>\\{\\{)[^)]{1,}((?>\\(\\)\\}\\})|(?>\\)\\}\\}))",
      "matchPosition": 0,
      "color": "#8FBCBB",
      "font": "Menlo-Regular",
      "isHiddenWithoutCursor": false,
      "isRevealOnCursorRange": true
    "Templates_tags-opener": {
      "regex": "(<%[\\-=_~]?\\s+)(.*?)(\\s+[\\-]?%>)",
      "matchPosition": 1,
      "color": "#883B3AB2",
      "font": "Menlo-Regular"
    "Templates_tags": {
      "regex": "(<%[\\-=_~]?\\s+)(.*?)(\\s+[\\-]?%>)",
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      "font": "Menlo-Regular"
    "Templates_tags-closer": {
      "regex": "(<%[\\-=_~]?\\s+)(.*?)(\\s+[\\-]?%>)",
      "matchPosition": 3,
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      "font": "Menlo-Regular"
    "Templates_tags-commented-out": {
      "regex": "(<%#\\s+.*?\\s+[\\-]?%>)",
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    "priority-any-number-of-!-flagged": {
      "regex": "(^[\\h\\v]*[\\*|-] (\\[ \\] )?)(.*!{1,}.*[\\h\\v])",
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      "backgroundColor": "#FFE5E5",
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    "Timeblock-HideTag-withID": {
      "color": "#8FBCBB",
      "regex": "\\s#🕑-\\d*",
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      "type": "nolink",
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      "isRevealOnCursorRange": true
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      "color": "#8FBCBB",
      "regex": "\\s#🕑",
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      "type": "nolink",
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    "timeblocks": {
      "regex": "(?:^\\s*(?:\\*(?!\\s+\\[[\\-\\>]\\])\\s+|\\-(?!\\h+\\[[\\-\\>]\\]\\s+)|[\\d+]\\.|\\#{1,5}\\s+))(?:\\[\\s\\]\\s+)?.*?\\s(((at|from)\\s+([0-2]?\\d|noon|midnight)(:[0-5]\\d)?(\\s?(AM|am|PM|pm)?)(\\s*(\\-|\\–|\\~|\\〜|to)\\s*([0-2]?\\d)(:[0-5]\\d)?(\\s*(AM|am|PM|pm)?))?|([0-2]?\\d|noon|midnight)(:[0-5]\\d)\\s*(AM|am|PM|pm)?(\\s*(\\-|\\–|\\~|\\〜|to)\\s*([0-2]?\\d|noon|midnight)(:[0-5]\\d)?(\\s*(AM|am|PM|pm)?)?)?))(?=\\s|$)",
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      "color": "#8FBCBB"
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      "regex": ">(([^<]+(?=<))|[\\S]+)",
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      "urlPosition": 1,
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      "type": "noteLink",
      "prefix": "noteplan://x-callback-url/openNote?noteTitle="
    "arrow-left-delimiter": {
      "regex": "(>)([^<]+)(<)",
      "matchPosition": 1,
      "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
      "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
      "isRevealOnCursorRange": true
    "arrow-right-delimiter": {
      "regex": "(>)([^<]+)(<)",
      "matchPosition": 3,
      "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
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    "note-title-link": {
      "regex": "(?<!`)(\\[{2})(.*?\\]*)(\\]{2})(?!`)",
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    "note-title-link-left": {
      "regex": "(?<!`)(\\[{2})(.*?\\]*)(\\]{2})(?!`)",
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      "isRevealOnCursorRange": true
    "note-title-link-right": {
      "regex": "(?<!`)(\\[{2})(.*?\\]*)(\\]{2})(?!`)",
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    "comment": {
        "SOURCE": "",
        "regex": "(%%)([^:]{1,})(%%)",
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        "color": "#888888"
    "comment-left-colon": {
        "regex": "(%%)([^:]{1,})(%%)",
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        "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
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    "comment-right-colon": {
        "regex": "(%%)([^:]{1,})(%%)",
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        "color": "#88818475"
EduardMe commented 2 years ago

Stringify it, then it should work:Editor.addTheme(JSON.stringify(masterTheme), "test.json"). Have clarified the docs.

EduardMe commented 2 years ago

@dwertheimer, can we close this?