Open conBlow opened 10 years ago
Hallo conBlow. Die momentan verfügbare Version ist nicht mit 3.3.0 kompatibel. Wir können jedoch innerhalb der nächsten Tage eine neue Version liefern die es ist.
Dein Use-Case sollte mit geo_ip auf jeden Fall abgedeckt sein.
English Summary: At the moment geo_ip is not compatible with Contao 3.3.0. We will push a new version in the upcoming days that is.
Das wäre super! Gibst du nochmal bescheid? Wir testen gerne…
I've pushed our latest Contao 3 version of the module bcfee61fa8ab3d2b0198638d8f2e80c9b9fa1d19 Note that there's quite a few breaking changes from the previous version, most notably the module has been renamed to Geodomain
Also please note that we've only tested it with Contao 3.2.x as it's the current LTS version. However it should be compatible with Contao 3.3.0 with no or minimal changes.
We'll rename the project shortly.
We'll check it. Thank you!
We are also using this extension and need an update for Contao 3. The master branch does currently only support CSV data (from database table), which is no longer available from MaxMind as far as I know. Maybe @conBlow can confirm that?
As discussed on the phone today, there is also an (old) develop branch (created by me) that does support MaxMind DB v2 (binary format), but unfortunately is not yet Contao 3 compatible...
/cc @qzminski @CaptSpot
How can we check that?
Well if you want to get the module to run, you will need an IP database ;-)
Sure, I know that ;-) We already used ip2country in a manual way on our old website. I thought the ip database is installed somehow automatically and I don't know where I can find it in the Contao (system/database). Isn't it? I am not very experienced with the system in depth.
Dev-Branch supports GeoLite2
ich bin zur Zeit auf der Suche nach einer Contao Erweiterung die es ermöglicht je nach Herkunftsland des Besuchers meiner Website etwas zugänglich zu machen beziehungsweise auszublenden. Geo_ip würde dafür meiner Meinung nach ausreichen wenn denn eine Kompitabilität zu Contao 3.3.0 gegeben ist. Hat man damit bereits Erfahrungen oder ist die Einbindung eines php Ip2Country Skripts in Contao voraussichtlich einfacher umzusetzen ?
MfG conBlow