Nova-Committee / Re-Avaritia

MIT License
16 stars 13 forks source link

Ideas[To Do] #7

Open Relixto opened 2 years ago

Relixto commented 2 years ago

How about displaying a percentage in numbers on the hover of the progress column? (<- image photoshop)

Will the items have the same back background as in the original avaritia?

cnlimiter commented 2 years ago

It's a good idea to display percentage numbers, and it will be added next version. The extreme crafting table nei is too big, it's not suitable in jei.

Relixto commented 2 years ago

Oh no, I'm not about the back background of an extreme crafting table, but about the that in the original avaritia, objects (resources) had "aura" :D

cnlimiter commented 2 years ago

I know,the item render is difficulty for me,but i will try my best to finish it.

Relixto commented 2 years ago

It will be amazing, you are a great fellow for taking on such a difficult case

cnlimiter commented 5 months ago

TheDoc989 commented 5 months ago

I had a large amount of ideas for how to evolve the Avaritia mod, so I hope these ideas of mine could at least be inspiration for you! Appreciate the effort to revive the mod!





Full Set:

Longsword of The Cosmos:


Misc. Item Changes:

New Item Suggestions:

Black Hole Storage


Infinity/Black Hole Backpack

Cosmic Devastator/Paxel of the Void


cnlimiter commented 5 months ago


Misc. Item Changes:

New Item Suggestions:

Black Hole Storage

dimidb commented 2 months ago

I wrote this in CurseForge comments and i'll gonna respost this here:

I have found some bugs in the infinity armor that when you jump, the armor motion don't apply and you jump in the same speed as you be without it. The infinity pickaxe don't break reinforced deepslate instantly and modded blocks, like, for example ProjectE red matter block.

The Infinity Sword act just like a sword, normally. But i have an idea, the mod "Mob Battle Mod" have an item called "Mob Killer" item that kill any mob independently if it can't be hitted; (Invulnerable). It'll be really cool if you add this.

The Infinite Pickaxe has finite destructive power. I was wondering if you can make it break like in creative, being able to break everything. (Unless bedrock, you decide it).

The infinity ingot can craft 9 infinity nuggets, but the nuggets can't craft a ingot again. It'll be great if you be able to craft it again.

The star fuel has no use as far as I know. It could be kind of a infinite fuel or almost infinite.

In the original mod, the singularities are made from ore blocks. It'll be harder if you add this feature, don't know if it would be good, but here's an idea! :)

dimidb commented 2 months ago

Hello again! I've found a bug in the infinity armor (again) and in the Endest Pearl.

(This bug only happens if you are in the survival mode) When you throw the endest pearl it creates a black hole that kills everything except the player (with the infinity armor). That is what I was thinking, because when you are inside of the black hole (with the armor) you keep dying. Without the armor it's fine, but with the armor doesn't make sense. The armor technically was supposed to make you immortal (even /kill can't kill you). I don't know if this is a bug, but if even /kill can't kill you, why can the Endest pearl?

Infinity Sword cosmos animation it was supposed to be like that?

I think this bug is temporary, but I'm gonna report in the same way. The cosmos animation of the armor it's perfect, the armor is visually perfect, but the sword, in version; (when you added the cosmos animation); it was covering pratically all the sword and this bug is still there in version And animations like that RGB pixel at the pommel of the sword it's being covered by the cosmos animation.

But man, your mod is so good that it can't even be compared to other Avaritia recreations. Keep doing that, i'm using it in my modpack that it's just me and my friends, but I want to record for my channel about your mod!

NOBTG commented 1 month ago
  • 每月錯誤報告:七月


此錯誤僅在您處於生存模式時才會發生)當您扔出末日珍珠時,它會產生一個黑洞,殺死除了玩家(具有無限盔甲)之外的所有東西。這就是我的想法,因為當你在黑洞內部(帶著盔甲)時,你會不斷死亡。沒有鎧甲還好,但是有了鎧甲就沒有意義了。從技術上講,盔甲應該讓你永生(即使 /kill 也不能殺死你)。我不知道這是否是個錯誤,但如果連 /kill 都不能殺死你,為什麼 Endest Pearl 可以呢?


我認為這個錯誤是暫時的,但我會以同樣的方式報告。盔甲的宇宙動畫很完美,盔甲在視覺上很完美,但是劍,在1.3.7.2版本中; (當你加入宇宙動畫時);它幾乎覆蓋了所有的劍,而這個錯誤在 版本中仍然存在。動畫就像劍的鞍頭上的 RGB 像素一樣,它被宇宙動畫覆蓋。


  1. This is not a bug, it's just a damage check that cancels or not, even if it's hard to understand, there are many things that can kill people wearing armor (such as injecting getHealth methods).
  2. This has been fixed at

  3. 這並不是Bug,這只是傷害的判定取消與否,即便這很難理解,但是有很多東西是可以殺死穿著盔甲的人的 (例如注入getHealth方法)。
  4. 這個在
dimidb commented 1 month ago
  • 每月錯誤報告:七月


此錯誤僅在您處於生存模式時才會發生)當您扔出末日珍珠時,它會產生一個黑洞,殺死除了玩家(具有無限盔甲)之外的所有東西。這就是我的想法,因為當你在黑洞內部(帶著盔甲)時,你會不斷死亡。沒有鎧甲還好,但是有了鎧甲就沒有意義了。從技術上講,盔甲應該讓你永生(即使 /kill 也不能殺死你)。我不知道這是否是個錯誤,但如果連 /kill 都不能殺死你,為什麼 Endest Pearl 可以呢?


我認為這個錯誤是暫時的,但我會以同樣的方式報告。盔甲的宇宙動畫很完美,盔甲在視覺上很完美,但是劍,在1.3.7.2版本中; (當你加入宇宙動畫時);它幾乎覆蓋了所有的劍,而這個錯誤在 版本中仍然存在。動畫就像劍的鞍頭上的 RGB 像素一樣,它被宇宙動畫覆蓋。


1. **This is not a bug**, it's just a damage check that cancels or not, even if it's hard to understand, there are many things that can kill people wearing armor (such as injecting getHealth methods).

2. This has been fixed at [](url)

1. **這並不是Bug**,這只是傷害的判定取消與否,即便這很難理解,但是有很多東西是可以殺死穿著盔甲的人的 (例如注入getHealth方法)。

2. 這個在[](url)
dimidb commented 3 weeks ago

Hello! I'm playing this mod with a friend and his cosmos animation it's different from the picture and it's different from mine too. It's more detailed.

dimidb commented 3 weeks ago

Even he doesn't know how he did it. (If he did something)

dimidb commented 3 weeks ago

And one more thing, the armor wing doesn't appear in multiplayer.

dimidb commented 3 weeks ago

2 bugs in the Infinity Armor. (One of the bugs is quite noticeable and I think (I'm sure) you've already noticed it.)

dimidb commented 3 weeks ago

Thats all for today, i guess.

dimidb commented 3 weeks ago

The armor bug in the inventory is only in the creative mode! I didn't tested before in the survival mode. (But doesn't appear have this bug in the survival)