Closed MtGuerenS closed 6 months ago
Hi Gueren. Please don't hardcode the paths to model configs/weights, change it so they pass them through ros params. There's a reason I used MMDetection. That is, you can take any state-of-the-art model (a lot of them better than ComplexYOLO) from MMDetection package and use it for inference. By hardcoding the configs/weights the key functionality of my package is lost.
Thanks, Rae
P.S. in the future just communicate with others if you are going to edit and remove their code. Communication is key, y'know? I'm a nice guy, I promise, just reach me out on teams. Like really, our packages should've been split instead of combined the way it is to prevent any issues.
Implemented a lidar detection node that combines the MMDetection3D and the ComplexYOLOv4 models for the Object classification (Lidar) Issue.
To test the new feature do the following:
into the directorynavigator/data/perception/checkpoints/complex_yolov4_mse_loss.pth
# *object3d_launch_entities,
docker compose run navigator_carla
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select lidar_detection && source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch launches/
docker compose run navigator_carla
ros2 bag play /bags/2024/bag_2024-02-09_Demo/
or other bag