Novactive / NovaeZSEOBundle

Novactive eZ Publish and Platform SEO Bundle
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Add asset package support #88

Closed wizhippo closed 5 years ago

wizhippo commented 6 years ago


wizhippo commented 6 years ago

There is an issue with this that is due to a bug in symfony

Plopix commented 6 years ago

Thank you!

About the symfony bug, your PR is working right?

Is it to kind of warn us that if Symfony does not fix it, we will have an issue in 4.1 right?

wizhippo commented 6 years ago

I think I have narrowed down the issue I was having with the defaults. The default parameter value is not processed by the configuration normalization so it as a string is not converted to an array. I have added a change to the default value. This does mean however that if defining an asset as a parameter instead of in semantic config then you have to use the format of href: { asset: { path: '/bundles/sitebundle/images/favicon.ico' } } instead of just href: { asset: '/bundles/sitebundle/images/favicon.ico' }

Edit: We could make is to semantic config also always requires an array and not convert a string to and array for convenience.