Novage / p2p-media-loader

An open-source engine for P2P streaming of live and on demand video directly in a web browser HTML page
Apache License 2.0
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Not Working P2P #317

Closed bleachhun closed 5 months ago

bleachhun commented 7 months ago


Public tracker or Private “bittorent” tracker not working

public Only connect wss and only http get testing 3 user all http download not peer.

bittorent tracker (own): invalid info_hash

clappr player

if (p2pml.hlsjs.Engine.isSupported()) {

    const config = {

segments:{ swarmId: lejatszas, // any unique string

// number of segments to pass for processing to P2P algorithm
forwardSegmentCount:50, // usually should be equal or greater than p2pDownloadMaxPriority and httpDownloadMaxPriority

}, loader:{ trackerAnnounce: [ "wss://","wss://","wss://" ], // how long to store the downloaded segments for P2P sharing cachedSegmentExpiration:86400000, // count of the downloaded segments to store for P2P sharing cachedSegmentsCount:1000,

// first 4 segments (priorities 0, 1, 2 and 3) are required buffer for stable playback

// each 1 second each of 10 segments ahead of playhead position gets 6% probability for random HTTP download
httpDownloadProbabilityInterval: 1000,

} };

                 var engine = new p2pml.hlsjs.Engine(config);

     var player = new Clappr.Player({
        source: lejatszas,
        playback: {
            playInline: !0,
            hlsjsConfig: {
                liveSyncDurationCount: 7, // To have at least 7 segments in queue
                loader: engine.createLoaderClass(),
        parentId: "#player-container",
        width: "100%",
        height: "100%"


} else { }

please help!

bleachhun commented 7 months ago

Update: wt-tracker create connect and not connect peer….. dead this project?

snowinszu commented 7 months ago

Here is the available trackers: