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Clappr not load config engine HlsJsP2PEngine. #405

Closed stevenking888 closed 1 month ago

stevenking888 commented 1 month ago

Refer to issue #388 with Clappr example code. I found that other player can assign P2P config but not Clappr in this code

const engine = new HlsJsP2PEngine({
        p2p: {
          core: {
                    swarmId: "xxx",
                    simultaneousHttpDownloads: 5,
                    simultaneousP2PDownloads: 5,
                    httpErrorRetries: 5,
                    p2pErrorRetries: 5,
                    announceTrackers: [

Player dont' use this config

DimaDemchenko commented 1 month ago

@stevenking888 Thank you for submitting your issue. To ensure your P2P configuration is correctly integrated with Clappr, try using this configuration:

const engine = new HlsJsP2PEngine({
      core: {
        swarmId: "xxx",
        simultaneousHttpDownloads: 5,
        simultaneousP2PDownloads: 5,
        httpErrorRetries: 5,
        p2pErrorRetries: 5,
        announceTrackers: ["wss://"],

stevenking888 commented 1 month ago

I confirm this code is work. configuration must be outside p2p{}

but I think onHlsJsCreated: (hls) => {} after "core' seem to not work. for example

const engine = new HlsJsP2PEngine({
          core: {
            swarmId: "xxx",
            simultaneousHttpDownloads: 5,
            simultaneousP2PDownloads: 5,
            httpErrorRetries: 5,
            p2pErrorRetries: 5,
            announceTrackers: ["wss://xxx.yy"],
          onHlsJsCreated: (hls) => {
              // Subscribe to P2P engine and Hls.js events here
              hls.p2pEngine.addEventListener("onPeerConnect", (details) => {
                console.log(`Connected to peer ${details.peerId})`);
              hls.p2pEngine.addEventListener('onChunkDownloaded', (bytesLength, downloadSource, peerId) => {
                console.log(`Downloaded ${bytesLength} bytes from ${downloadSource} ${peerId ? 'from peer ' + peerId : 'from server'}`);
                if (peerId) {
                  downloaded += bytesLength;
                downloaded_total += bytesLength;
              hls.p2pEngine.addEventListener("onChunkUploaded", (bytesLength, peerId) => {
                console.log(`Uploaded ${bytesLength} bytes to peer ${peerId}`);

From above config in "core" is works but the rest is not.

DimaDemchenko commented 1 month ago

@stevenking888 it doesn't work because you need to configure P2PEngine directly in this type of integration.

<script type="module">
  import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";

  const engine = new HlsJsP2PEngine({
    core: {
      swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
      // Other core config parameters go here

  engine.addEventListener("onPeerConnect", (details) => {
                console.log(`Connected to peer ${details.peerId})`);

  const player = new Clappr.Player({
    source: streamUrl,
    plugins: [LevelSelector], 
    height: "100%",
    width: "100%",
    parentId: `#player`,
    playback: {
      hlsjsConfig: {
        // Here you can config Hlsjs 

  engine.bindHls(() => clapprPlayer.core.getCurrentPlayback()?._hls);
stevenking888 commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure why it's not works. I use this code

 const engine = new HlsJsP2PEngine({
    core: {
      swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
      // Other core config parameters go here

  //correct the closing parenthesis ) at the end
  engine.addEventListener("onPeerConnect", (details) => {
    console.log(`Connected to peer ${details.peerId}`);

      engine.addEventListener('onChunkDownloaded', (bytesLength, downloadSource, peerId) => {
                console.log(`Downloaded ${bytesLength} bytes from ${downloadSource} ${peerId ? 'from peer ' + peerId : 'from server'}`);
                if (peerId) {
                  downloaded += bytesLength;
                downloaded_total += bytesLength;

I found that console log 'onChunkDownloaded' display but hls can not play (chunks downloaded but not play). when I remove all eninge.addEventListener() hls play as well.

DimaDemchenko commented 1 month ago


The code below works fine. Try it out

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Clappr with P2P HLS.js</title>

    <script type="importmap">
        "imports": {
          "p2p-media-loader-core": "^1/dist/",
          "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs": "^1/dist/"

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="player" style="width: 640px; height: 360px"></div>
    <script type="module">
      import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";

      const engine = new HlsJsP2PEngine({
        core: {
          swarmId: "xxx",

      engine.addEventListener("onPeerConnect", (details) => {
        console.log(`Connected to peer ${details.peerId}`);

        (bytesLength, downloadSource, peerId) => {
            `Downloaded ${bytesLength} bytes from ${downloadSource} ${
              peerId ? "from peer " + peerId : "from server"

      engine.addEventListener("onSegmentLoaded", (details) => {
        console.log(`Loaded segment ${details.segmentUrl}`);

      engine.addEventListener("onChunkUploaded", (bytesLength, peerId) => {
        console.log(`Uploaded ${bytesLength} bytes to peer ${peerId}`);

      const streamUrl =

      const clapprPlayer = new Clappr.Player({
        source: streamUrl,
        plugins: [LevelSelector],
        height: "100%",
        width: "100%",
        parentId: "#player",
        playback: {
          hlsjsConfig: {

      engine.bindHls(() => clapprPlayer.core.getCurrentPlayback()?._hls);
stevenking888 commented 1 month ago

engine.addEventListener("onPeerConnect", (details) => { console.log(Connected to peer ${details.peerId}); });

    (bytesLength, downloadSource, peerId) => {
        `Downloaded ${bytesLength} bytes from ${downloadSource} ${
          peerId ? "from peer " + peerId : "from server"

  engine.addEventListener("onSegmentLoaded", (details) => {
    console.log(`Loaded segment ${details.segmentUrl}`);

  engine.addEventListener("onChunkUploaded", (bytesLength, peerId) => {
    console.log(`Uploaded ${bytesLength} bytes to peer ${peerId}`);

Work like charm.

stevenking888 commented 3 weeks ago

I found some problem. I'm not sure there are someone found this. I found that if stream url (HLS) has token paramter in URL for the first time load playlist it can request with correct parameters but after a while it seem that hls.js request without parameter then error. I found this problem only on "Safari" browser.

I tried to find answer I found that hls.js able to add this parameter

const hls = new Hls({
  xhrSetup: xhr => {
    xhr.setRequestHeader('id', 1)
    xhr.setRequestHeader('token', 456)

Could you please give me an example of add config value for hls.js in Clappr example code ?

DimaDemchenko commented 2 weeks ago
const clapprPlayer = new Clappr.Player({
        source: streamUrl,
        plugins: [LevelSelector],
        height: "100%",
        width: "100%",
        parentId: "#player",
        playback: {
          hlsjsConfig: {
            // Additional HLS.js configuration
            xhrSetup: xhr => {
               xhr.setRequestHeader('id', 1)
               xhr.setRequestHeader('token', 456)

@stevenking888, this is how you can specify the hlsjsConfig parameter in your Clappr integration. Please test it to ensure it works as expected according to your specific needs.