Novum / vkQuake

Vulkan Quake port based on QuakeSpasm
GNU General Public License v2.0
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r_lerpturn cvar for disabling rotation lerping on entities #680

Closed KeyboardDanni closed 1 year ago

KeyboardDanni commented 1 year ago

A nice feature in modern Quake source ports is movement interpolation. This makes it much easier to track enemy movement, especially faster monsters such as Fiends. But one thing that's always bothered me is that it made them turn like Roombas!

So I decided to try turning off that part of the lerping so that only positional lerping is done. I quite like the result, as rotation is now done in lockstep with the animation, which looks much more natural, but you can still make out the entity's general trajectory:

The new cvar, r_lerpturn, defaults to 1 so shouldn't affect existing configs. The setting has no effect when r_lerpmove is 0.

These changes have not been tested with attached entities. Do let me know how I can test this with CL_LerpEntity, and/or just straight up tell me whether this new lerping option breaks anything.