Add a system that allows the user to compile their templates into binary / static form. This should speed up the parsing and splitting process.
Some steps would need to be taken in order for this process to be viable:
Separate templates into files on the disk under a /templates directory with a standardized file type name.
Compiler can take one of these file and generated a binary file of the same name appended with a "c" in the file-type (think Python with .py and .pyc).
Adamant then reads these compiled files and uses them to parse items and other data into a shop thread.
If a shop post is too large, the chunk that the parser is currently on should be split with a message appended to the end of the first thread: Continued in [url=thread]thread[/url]. as well as the next thread: Continued from [url=thread]thread[/url]. This method is a lot cleaner than Acquisition Plus.
Add a system that allows the user to compile their templates into binary / static form. This should speed up the parsing and splitting process.
Some steps would need to be taken in order for this process to be viable:
Continued in [url=thread]thread[/url].
as well as the next thread:Continued from [url=thread]thread[/url]
. This method is a lot cleaner than Acquisition Plus.