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More user interactive service with feedback #199

Open goodideagiver opened 1 year ago

goodideagiver commented 1 year ago

Each article should have it's own feedback component

Example implementation


Rating for articles


Reporting articles or links (old data, irrevelant materials, invalid links)


What problems we want to solve

Expected solution

Report feature for each link - sends request to github and creates issue with apriopriate labels [auto report] some labels can be added when user selects them in the form on the website.

Rating system - each article should have visible rating, maybe only thumb up or heart icon, thumb down should open report window maybe?

Willaiem commented 1 year ago

Pretty cool idea. But then we need some way to notify us about the feedback.

goodideagiver commented 1 year ago

Pretty cool idea. But then we need some way to notify us about the feedback.

You can be notified about newly created issues on github.