Nozbe / WatermelonDB

🍉 Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native apps ⚡️
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Disable 'rxjs' dependency #1301

Open DaveLomber opened 2 years ago

DaveLomber commented 2 years ago

We are using Watermelon DB in React Native project

We do not use rxjs API

Is there any way to disable 'rxjs' dependency for minimising the bundle size?


radex commented 2 years ago

rxjs is used by WatermelonDB internals in some places, hence this is not possible. It is possible to configure Metro to only bundle the absolute possible minimum of rxjs parts.

PRs are welcome if you want to help rewrite the few remaining pieces of rxjs use in 🍉 core not to use rxjs.

lucaswitch commented 2 years ago

Rxjs is quite useful for developing react native apps with watermelon. Take a better look in rxjs examples with watermelondb.