Nozbe / withObservables

HOC (Higher-Order Component) for connecting RxJS Observables to React Components
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useObservables for react hooks #16

Open ericvicenti opened 5 years ago

ericvicenti commented 5 years ago

Hey all, I've found withObservables to be super handy, but now with react hooks I've been using a simple "useObservables" instead:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

export default function useObservable(observable) {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(observable && observable.value);

    () => {
      if (!observable || !observable.subscribe) {
      const subscription = observable.subscribe(setValue);
      return () => subscription.unsubscribe();

  return value;


function MyView({ observable }) {
  const currentValue = useObservable(observable);
  return <Text>{currentValue}</Text>

Note: it is best to use ObservableBehavior so that the observable.value can be accessed synchronously for the first render

kilbot commented 5 years ago

I'm just getting started with WatermelonDB, Observables and React hooks. I had some problems with the above code causing endless re-renders .. I suspect due to the ObservableBehavior as mentioned, but I don't fully understand what that means 😞

However, I did have success with this useObservable library, so I thought I'd just leave it here in case it helps someone else 😄

kilbot commented 5 years ago

The useObservable hook I am currently using is:

import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';

export default function useObservable(observable, initial, inputs = []) {
  const [state, setState] = useState(initial);
  const subject = useMemo(() => new Subject(), inputs);

  useEffect(() => {
    const subscription = new Subscription();
    subscription.add(subject.pipe(() => observable).subscribe(value => setState(value)));
    return () => subscription.unsubscribe();
  }, [subject]);

  return state;


function MyView({ observable }) {
  const currentValue = useObservable(observable, 'initial', [observable, triggers]);
  return <Text>{currentValue}</Text>

I was going to post a PR to this repository ... but import { useObservable } from '@nozbe/with-observables' feels a little weird. Perhaps it would be better to have some sort of monorepo for hooks? Especially if @brunolemos has ideas for more hooks :smile:

radex commented 5 years ago

I was going to post a PR to this repository ... but import { useObservable } from '@nozbe/with-observables' feels a little weird.

I know! I think it's best to post it anyway, and then figure out what's the best name… I imagine withObservables will be obsolete/deprecated in a year when everyone switches to Hooks anyway...

radex commented 5 years ago

@kilbot as for your hook, I think it would be cleaner and more performant to avoid extra Subject, and just set state based on observable subscription. Another issue is the need for initial prop. If you have it - it's great, but it would be best to use Suspense to prevent further render and just wait until we can get our hands on the value subscribed to. WDYT?

kilbot commented 5 years ago

I was having a problem with endless loops, ie: the first subscription was setting the state which triggered a rerender which started the process again. The extra Subject was an effort to get around that. However, I only started learning about observables when I wanted to use WatermelonDB .. so I'm a bit out of my depth 😓

I started rewriting the example app for WatermelonDB with typescript and hooks - mostly as a learning exercise for myself - I'll take another look at it this weekend to see if I reproduce the rerender issue I was having in my app.

kilbot commented 5 years ago

Hi @radex, I've created some example code to illustrate the infinite loop problem I am having. Please compare these two Netlify builds: useObservable with extra Subject and useObservable without. You'll see the subscribe/unsubscribe loop in the console.

Click here to compare the code(updated below) and here is the initial subscription which causes the problems.

It's a bit tricky to share code because I can't load everything into CodeSandbox .. but let me know if you spot anything!

kilbot commented 5 years ago

I've just had a look at this again with fresh eyes and realise it is the removal of the observable as a dependency not the addition of the Subject which stopped the infinite loop, eg:

export default function useObservable(observable: Observable, initial?: any, deps: any[] = []) {
  const [state, setState] = useState(initial);

  useEffect(() => {
    const subscription = observable.subscribe(setState);
    return () => subscription.unsubscribe();
    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, deps);

  return state;

This seems to work okay.

It goes against the advice from the React team to remove the observable dependency, so there still may be some issues that I'm unaware of ... I'll have to do some more reading 😅

ericlewis commented 5 years ago

This seems very similar to how react-apollo-hooks works!

radex commented 5 years ago

FYI! I'm working on a fully supported, tested & high-performance solution for hooks :)

This is not easy, because:

here's some snippets of the work I'm doing.

Basic useEffect-based implementation:

export const neverEmitted = Symbol('observable-never-emitted')

export function useObservableSymbol<T>(observable: Observable<T>): T | typeof neverEmitted {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(neverEmitted)

  useEffect(() => {
    const subscription = observable.subscribe(newValue => {
    return () => subscription.unsubscribe()
  }, [observable])

  return value

WIP highly-optimized implementation, but one that only works on BehaviorSubjects, and cached Observables (essentially, observables that can emit a value synchronously):

export function useObservableSync<T>(observable: Observable<T>): T {
  const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate()

  const value = useRef(neverEmitted)
  const previousObservable = useRef(observable)
  const subscription = useRef(undefined)

  if (observable !== previousObservable.current) {
    throw new Error('Passing different Observable to useObservable hook is not supported (yet)')

  if (subscription.current === undefined) {
    const newSubscription = observable.subscribe(newValue => {
      value.current = newValue

      if (subscription.current !== undefined) {
    subscription.current = newSubscription

  // TODO: GC subscription in case component never gets mounted

  if (value.current === neverEmitted) {
    throw new Error('Observable did not emit an initial value synchronously')

  useEffect(() => {
    return () => subscription.current.unsubscribe()
  }, [])

  return value.current

The plan is to take advantage of Suspense (or simulated suspense using error boundaries), so that you can just call const value = useObservable(query), without having to worry about initial value, and it does the right thing.

But you'd still have to wrap it somewhere with a <Supense> or a custom <ObservableSuspense> or something like that. I don't think there's a way around it.

I'd also like to publish an official prefetched component, so that you can do:

<Prefetch observables=[query, otherQuery, etc]>
  <SomeComponentTreeThatUsesUseObservableHook />

this would be much faster than relying on suspense, since you can start db operations early, and by the time you get to rendering components, you have a synchronous data source, instead of constantly rolling back partial renders.

Would someone be willing to help out with writing tests for this?

kilbot commented 5 years ago

This is great @radex! I would be keen to help out in any way I can.

I'll leave a link to mobx-react-lite here, just in case it is useful. There is a discussion on getting MobX to work with react hooks in concurrent mode, I guess there may be some parallels for WatermelonDB?

radex commented 5 years ago

@kilbot Thanks! I've seen that thread and mobx-react-lite, and I was planning to spend some time next Friday digging deeper into it to understand how they did it ;) Although MobX doesn't really have asynchronicity issues AFAICT.

danielkcz commented 4 years ago

Just want to point out we have mobx-react-lite@next which includes experimental support for Concurrent mode. Feel free to try that.

radex commented 4 years ago

@FredyC Thanks! I'll check it out!

crimx commented 4 years ago

observable-hooks supports Observables and Suspense which I think is super handy to use in conjunction with withObservables.

radex commented 4 years ago

@crimx Amazing work! Looks like roughly what I was going for, but never had time to implement (yet) :) … although I do see some potential perf issues. I will check it out in the coming months...

crimx commented 4 years ago

That would be great! Much appreciated🍻.

gliesche commented 3 years ago

Hi there. Any news on this?

radex commented 3 years ago

@gliesche Not much! I recently got back to looking at it, and implemented an useModel() hook (not ready to be open sourced yet), but as you can see from the whole discussion, making a generic useObservables without a HOC, without compromises, and without forcing synchronous Watermelon is… well, very complicated :)

gliesche commented 3 years ago

@gliesche Not much! I recently got back to looking at it, and implemented an useModel() hook (not ready to be open sourced yet), but as you can see from the whole discussion, making a generic useObservables without a HOC, without compromises, and without forcing synchronous Watermelon is… well, very complicated :)

Thanks for the update. I tried observable-hooks, but that didn't really work. I'd really be interested in any working solution that uses hooks and observes WatermelonDB collections / models.

radex commented 3 years ago

@gliesche For context: what problems are you looking to solve with a hook-based WatermelonDB observation? Do you just care about nice, consistent API? Or are there composition/performance/other problems you're running into because of this?

gliesche commented 3 years ago

@gliesche For context: what problems are you looking to solve with a hook-based WatermelonDB observation? Do you just care about nice, consistent API? Or are there composition/performance/other problems you're running into because of this?

Consistent API is one main point, yes. Though I am not sure, if hook based observation is needed for custom hooks...

crimx commented 3 years ago

FYI since the last conversation observable-hooks had been refactored a little bit and had been made concurrent mode safe.

@gliesche what problems did you encounter? AFAIK watermelon observables are just plain RxJS observables so they should just work out of the box right?

radex commented 3 years ago

(@crimx FWIW we're moving away from RxJS internally for performance reasons, but yes, the outside API is RxJS-compatible)

gliesche commented 3 years ago

FYI since the last conversation observable-hooks had been refactored a little bit and had been made concurrent mode safe.

@gliesche what problems did you encounter? AFAIK watermelon observables are just plain RxJS observables so they should just work out of the box right?

@crimx I guess I don't get the API right, I tried something like:

  const database = useDatabase();
  const input$ = database.collections.get('posts').query().observe();
  const [posts, onPosts] = useObservableState(input$, null);

Which results in a TypeError: rxjs_1.isObservable is not a function

crimx commented 3 years ago

isObservable is included in RxJS. What RxJS version are you using?

This should work

const database = useDatabase();
// reduce recomputation
const input$ = useObservable(() => database.collections.get('posts').query().observe());
// if the first parameter is an Observable `useObservableState` returns emitted values directly.
const posts = useObservableState(input$, null);

@radex is the observable from watermelon hot and with inital value? I am trying to implement a hook that subscribe synchronously. In concurrent mode it is only safe if the observable is hot.

gliesche commented 3 years ago

isObservable is included in RxJS. What RxJS version are you using?

The version of the metro bundler is being used: rxjs@5.5.12

crimx commented 3 years ago

@gliesche observable-hooks is meant to work with RxJS 6. Is there a reason that you still use RxJS 5? Is it a legacy project?

gliesche commented 3 years ago

@gliesche observable-hooks is meant to work with RxJS 6. Is there a reason that you still use RxJS 5? Is it a legacy project?

It is not a legacy project. It's a react native project v0.62.2. Do I need to install the peer deps manually? I did not explicitly add a version of rjxs.

crimx commented 3 years ago

Do I need to install the peer deps manually?

Yes. Read this article if you are interested.

What we need is a way of expressing these "dependencies" between plugins and their host package. Some way of saying, "I only work when plugged in to version 1.2.x of my host package, so if you install me, be sure that it's alongside a compatible host." We call this relationship a peer dependency.

radex commented 3 years ago

@radex is the observable from watermelon hot and with inital value? I am trying to implement a hook that subscribe synchronously. In concurrent mode it is only safe if the observable is hot.

@crimx It's not guaranteed to be hot — that's a problem. TL;DR: I'm working towards it.

I'm developing Nozbe Teams (the project that birthed WatermelonDB) with the intention on making all DB work synchronous so that React components can render in one shot… This works 100% of the time on web, but not yet on native (where synchronous native modules can't be guaranteed to work all the time - YET).

The longer-term plan is to go back to more multi-threading, but such that you can synchronously get values you need for first render, but can prefetch and cache queries beforehand on separate thread, and have them hot when you render.

crimx commented 3 years ago

Added useObservableEagerState for safely getting synchronous values from hot or pure observables without triggering extra initial re-rendering.

quolpr commented 3 years ago

@radex thank you for your hooks! I tried to use them this way:

  const input$ = useObservable(
    () =>
        .query(Q.where('id', id))
  const note = useObservableEagerState(input$)?.[0];

But note is still the same even if id changes. Do you have any ideas about what could be the reason? 🤔

crimx commented 3 years ago

@quolpr I think you should use useMemo instead of useObservable. useObservable does not work like that.

quolpr commented 3 years ago

It seems I was wrong from the start. That way works correctly:

  const input$ = useObservable(
    (inputs$) =>
        switchMap((val) =>
            .query(Q.where('id', val[0]))
  const note = useObservableEagerState(input$)?.[0];

The power of RxJS 😛️

quolpr commented 3 years ago

I have another one problem. This code:

const input$ = useObservable(() => note.observe());
const obervedNote = useObservableEagerState(input$);

It doesn't reflect changes(if the field is just changed). Do you have ideas about why? 🤔

quolpr commented 3 years ago

@crimx it seems here

forceUpdate() is required, cause the model will have the same reference(cause setState will not trigger a rerender if the value is the same) again and again, even if the values inside are changed. How could we do it and keep the old behavior? We can introduce an option that will change behavior. What do you think?

crimx commented 3 years ago

Na I think it works as expected. It's called useObservableEagerState so it should be just like React setState.

You should instead pipe the observable for needed values. Or useSubscription and handle it manually.

quolpr commented 3 years ago

@crimx then, what do you think about introducing another hook, which would work like useObservableEagerState but will force rerendering? I mean, your library is great, and I want to use useObservableEagerState cause it meets the requirements, but a small thing stops me from using it 😞️

Btw, here is the changes required

crimx commented 3 years ago

Hey maybe you can make it a set of hooks that is built on top of observable-hooks and for WatermelonDB specifically? (Like useTable)

I think this is anti-pattern for general cases.

quolpr commented 3 years ago

Good idea!

MoOx commented 2 years ago

I am looking for a local database for React Native and ended up here when looking at watermelondb.

After a quick look it seems there is 2 candidates to replace this:

Are this packages a good replacement? What would you recommend? Since this issue is open since 2018, maybe watermelondb docs could point to one of them?

crimx commented 2 years ago

FYI: If you plan to use RxJS 7, observable-hooks has added support and testing for RxJS 7 recently.

radex commented 2 years ago

Yes, we'll upgrade to RxJS 7 soon.

Having said that, so far I haven't seen and tested a generic observable hook that I'd be willing to endorse. It's not too difficult to get something that "works", but I'll only recommend to switch away from withObservables HOC once a hook solution can be shown to be as performant or more, and actually correct (there's a lot of weird edge cases to take care of).

I know it's frustrating. I'd like to move to hook-only solution myself too. This year, I hope.

alexyoungs commented 2 years ago

Hi @radex, following this thread with interest. Wondered if there was any further movement on it?

paulrostorp commented 2 years ago

I've got a hack to enable re-rendering while using observable-hooks:

import { useObservable, useObservableEagerState } from "observable-hooks";
import { getProjectCollection } from "@app/models/collections";
import { ProjectModel } from "@app/models/Project/ProjectModel";
import { map } from "rxjs";

export const useProject = (id: string): ProjectModel => {
  const input$ = useObservable(
    () =>
        .pipe(map(project => ({ value: project }))),

  const x = useObservableEagerState(input$);
  return x.value;

Quite simply, transforming the payload to be wrapped inside a new object on each event forces a new value in the state each time, thereby causing a re-render

mfbx9da4 commented 1 year ago

Yes, we'll upgrade to RxJS 7 soon.

Having said that, so far I haven't seen and tested a generic observable hook that I'd be willing to endorse. It's not too difficult to get something that "works", but I'll only recommend to switch away from withObservables HOC once a hook solution can be shown to be as performant or more, and actually correct (there's a lot of weird edge cases to take care of).

I know it's frustrating. I'd like to move to hook-only solution myself too. This year, I hope.

@radex Would you be able to detail

A HOC approach is quite outdated now and I believe will be a deal breaker for many users considering 🍉.

bard commented 1 year ago

Usually, lack of a hook API is a deal breaker to me, too, due (to answer @radex's question above) partly to the mindset switch required when working with HOCs in an otherwise full-hook codebase, and partly to the typing issues that often accompany HOCs (of which there seem to be some:,

However, costs are to be evaluated against benefits, and WatermelonDB is, to the best of my knowledge, one of only two open source libraries that allow offline-first applications without requiring a specific backend (the other being RxDB), which is a hell of a benefit, so I'd still go with the HOC-based API if there were signs of a hook API coming at some point. I couldn't find anything other than this thread, though. I was wondering if it's still on the radar?

832bb9 commented 1 year ago

@gliesche For context: what problems are you looking to solve with a hook-based WatermelonDB observation? Do you just care about nice, consistent API? Or are there composition/performance/other problems you're running into because of this?

Just started to adopt WatermelonDB in my RN App. I understand that we need to host observables logic on components level (which unlocks conditional rendering), but what I don't like is that HOC enforces me to split some UI nodes into separate component just to allow it's wrapping. So instead i used withObservables to create ObservablesContainer with children function exposing observed props.

  <ObservablesContainer deps={[]} getObservables={() => ({ some: interval$(1000) })}>
    {(props) => <Text>{JSON.stringify(props)}</Text>}

So now getObservables and children function can accept any other data from scope including useDatabase result.

@radex based on your WatermelonDB API design experience do you have immediate concerns on such approach?

17Amir17 commented 1 year ago

Any update?

okalil commented 1 year ago

Hey! This issue has been here for a while... I am still interested on using react hooks wih watermelondb, so I just would like to share an other approach for local first data . It's called Riffle, it is not publicly available yet, but it would make possible a super fast reactive synchronous data hook, that can maybe serve as inspiration for new ideas in this project.