Ntsekees / ilmentufa

Syntactical and semantical parser of Lojban text
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Please create new selma'o {VAUhU} #111

Open Spheniscine opened 9 years ago

Spheniscine commented 9 years ago

As per this proposal: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/lojban/Of-7SJmHcbw

Spheniscine commented 9 years ago

Actually, instead of pretending to be a string of {vau}, perhaps it'd be better just for it to auto-close with all famyma'o that a simple {.i} would (but without actually starting a new sentence). This way it can even close off sentences that do not actually have bridi (and thus no possible {vau}); for example {coi lo tavla pe la .lojban. vau'u ui}. Will probably be easier to code too.