Ntsekees / ilmentufa

Syntactical and semantical parser of Lojban text
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fix {su'ai} {JA} #78

Closed lagleki closed 9 years ago

lagleki commented 9 years ago

Discussion here: http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/comments.html?valsi=27813;natlangword=0;commentid=1520;definition=0

In short {mi su'ai jo do} - here, {do} isnt attached to {su'ai jo}

lagleki commented 9 years ago

Rather questionable since {zu'ai} is an alternative cmavo.

lagleki commented 9 years ago

All further discussion goes to http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/comments.html?valsi=27813. The issue can be reopened only if {su'ai} found useful again.