Ntsekees / ilmentufa

Syntactical and semantical parser of Lojban text
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ban CgV #80

Open guskant opened 9 years ago

guskant commented 9 years ago

camxes (and maybe camxes-exp too) should be revised according to the conclusion of BPFK. We have now the updated morphology page: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/bpfk-list/OH-sdfvlXsY/L7wxPvSsJTAJ

lagleki commented 9 years ago

xu ca na se tolcurmi

teleological commented 9 years ago

This rule (BPFK morphology v134) is present in both camxes.js and camxes-exp.js as of 48da04f2. This can be closed.