Describe the issue:
Maybe this is actually a feature request, but I think that these should go without being normalized if their functionality is not going to be reimplemented. I'm working on styling of my own to use galleries, but BHL should probably support them as they are base Wikidot elements.
Screenshot showcasing the issue:
A gallery with a theme based on Black Highlighter:
A gallery with a theme based on Sigma-9:
Link to the page(s) having this issue:
Mine is at but i'm still fiddling about with it to make my own styling. You should make a gallery on the BHL test wiki.
Describe the issue:
Maybe this is actually a feature request, but I think that these should go without being normalized if their functionality is not going to be reimplemented. I'm working on styling of my own to use galleries, but BHL should probably support them as they are base Wikidot elements.
Screenshot showcasing the issue:
A gallery with a theme based on Black Highlighter:
A gallery with a theme based on Sigma-9:
Link to the page(s) having this issue:
Mine is at but i'm still fiddling about with it to make my own styling. You should make a gallery on the BHL test wiki.
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