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Unskip FSharp E2E tests or port to Apex #11982

Open zivkan opened 1 year ago

zivkan commented 1 year ago

E2E FSharp tests are failing again.

Test logs only say the test timed out. We should consider porting this to Apex, so we'll at least get screen recordings to see what's happening.

zivkan commented 1 year ago

Telling DartLab to keep the machine around and running a new build, I could RDP to the machine and try again, and when the F# proejct gets loaded, there's a gold bar a the top of VS saying:

The project 'FSharpLibrary_9a32' ran into a problem during the last operation: The value of the 'TargetFrameworkMoniker' and 'NuGetTargetMoniker' properties in the 'Debug|AnyCPU' configuration are both empty. This configuration will not contribute to NuGet restore, which may result in restore and build errors. You may need to reload the solution after fixing the problem.

The same error occurs when trying to creating a new F# project manually, using the built-in template, so it appears to be a problem with internal builds of VS.