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Projects which set IncludeBuildOutput=false are likely to hit NU5128 #8583

Open ericstj opened 5 years ago

ericstj commented 5 years ago

Details about Problem

Many projects set IncludeBuildOutput=false, then manually define the layout of their package. In case they are defining content other than lib/ref (eg: build/*, tools, or SDK) they are likely to hit NU5218, since the project's dependencies will make it into the package: IncludeBuildOutput does not control the inclusion of dependencies.

NuGet product used (NuGet.exe | VS UI | Package Manager Console | dotnet.exe): dotnet.exe

NuGet version (

dotnet.exe --version (if appropriate): 3.0.0-rc1-19455-02

VS version (if appropriate): N/A

OS version (i.e. win10 v1607 (14393.321)): N/A

Worked before? If so, with which NuGet version: Yes, dotnet 2.x, past previews of 3.0

Detailed repro steps so we can see the same problem

  1. Run dotnet pack against the following project:

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <PackageReference Include="System.Text.Json" Version="4.6.0-rc2.19461.4" />

Expect: no build errors
Actual: build errors due to warnings as errors for NU5128.  

Workaround is to set `<SuppressDependenciesWhenPacking>true</SuppressDependenciesWhenPacking>` as *may* be the intent for a project setting `<IncludeBuildOutput>false</IncludeBuildOutput>`.  I don't think this is *always* the intent, so I don't think this property should be derived from `IncludeBuildOutput`.

## Other suggested things
Issue is originally discussed here:


### Verbose Logs

### Sample Project

See above
rrelyea commented 5 years ago

@zivkan - let's work on the right fixes, and mitigation with docs. if it is hit alot, i'd like to be prepared with a servicing fix.

zivkan commented 5 years ago

SDK and tools packages use the PackageType property, which is one way we can avoid NU5128 for those projects.

What are use cases for a package with only build/ files?

I'm concerned that skipping the validation for all packages that use IncludeBuildOutput=false, or all packages that don't have any lib/ or ref/ files, might cause more false negatives than the number of false positives when we do run the validation.

ericstj commented 5 years ago

What are use cases for a package with only build/ files?

Build infrastructure packages: these are cases where we build a task dll and then package it under build or tools with targets files.

I did a search on GitHub for IncludeBuildOutput and I see a number of other cases like templates and content packages that happen to use CSProj's to pack (because that's the only thing NuGet supported via task dll).

Here's a suggestion:

  1. If package has no ref nor lib.
  2. And package has effectively no dependencies (even if it has empty dependency groups). --> Do not warn.

I suspect this will still error for folks trying to build meta-packages with no ref nor lib via CSProj. It could also still error for folks building build infra packages with legit dependencies. Maybe those are acceptable/rare enough?

zivkan commented 5 years ago

I see the pack validation warnings as similar to compiler or fxcop warnings. They will be reported for some users who don't want to resolve the issue. They have the option of not elevating the warning to an error so that they don't break their build, and/or using <NoWarn> to hide the warning.

The idea to skip nu5128 when the package has no lib/ref and none of the dependency groups have any dependencies is interesting. As you wrote in the issue, using SuppressDependenciesWhenPacking works and may be the intention.

However, if the package contains dependency groups, regardless of if they're empty or not, developers using Visual Studio's Package Manager UI or viewing the package on will assume that the package is compatible with only the TFMs listed, which come from the nuspec dependency groups. But without any lib/ or ref/ files, NuGet client will install successfully to any project TFM, even ones incompatible with all the TFMs listed in the nuspec. This is the reason this warning exists, as it's not intuitive why this happens, particularly to developers new to the .NET ecosystem.

I want to add instructions to the docs for the warning code about SuppressDependenciesWhenPacking to raise its awareness and help package authors create packages that align with package consumer expectations. I'm also considering mentioning NoWarn to suppress the warning, although this doesn't help create higher quality packages, so I'm not sure.

ericstj commented 5 years ago

I see the pack validation warnings as similar to compiler or fxcop warnings

... of course. That's a bit orthogonal to this issue which is pointing out an issue with an individual warning.

developers using Visual Studio's Package Manager UI or viewing the package on will assume that the package is compatible with only the TFMs listed

It's a (long standing, and frustrating) bug to treat dependency groups as an indication of support. Dependency groups are an implementation detail of the package. "Support" is determined by "does the package install"?

But without any lib/ or ref/ files, NuGet client will install successfully to any project TFM, even ones incompatible with all the TFMs listed in the nuspec.

That's incorrect. It will only install where the package has applicable assets. The applicable assets may be the dependencies, may be build or content assets. Something must be applicable for it to install.

Even if the warning might be pedantically correct, you have to ask "does it matter?". Consider the case where all dependency groups are empty. You're going to get the same dependencies regardless of what framework is resolved: why does it matter? Consider the case where ref/lib are empty but other asset groups are not: adding ref/lib would change the semantics of their package so its likely the wrong warning to even raise.

For a warning like this to be successful it has to have a very low rate of false positives, otherwise folks will just ignore it. Given the amount of false positives we're already seeing I think something needs to be done to relax it, otherwise $(NoWarn);NU5128 will enter the ecosystem boilerplate.

zivkan commented 5 years ago

It's a (long standing, and frustrating) bug to treat dependency groups as an indication of support. Dependency groups are an implementation detail of the package. "Support" is determined by "does the package install"?

Depends if we're discussing the issue from a technical or practical point of view. If technical, yes, if the package install/restore succeeds, then it's "supported". However, if developers in the ecosystem have a certain expectation and NuGet doesn't work in the same way, either there's an education problem, or there was a design flaw. We can't change a design flaw without possibly breaking a lot of people, hence the pack warning helps better align packages with real expectations, even if it's otherwise technically valid (much like an async method with no await).

That's incorrect. It will only install where the package has applicable assets.

Unfortunately that's not the case. I've attached a little sample where a package contains only a build/net47/MyPkg.targets file, and it "installs" fine in a net45 project. Simply no assets are selected. Had the package contained a build/net47/_._ file, then restore would have failed and expectations of this net47 package failing in a net45 project would hold true. But it doesn't.

Therefore I believe the NU5128 warning helps package authors create packages that are more likely what they intended, and will work in ways that I imagine package consumers expect.

Given the amount of false positives we're already seeing

I guess some false positives were from build packages, which will affect all customers that create such packages. I wonder what percentage of packages on don't have lib or ref files, but do have other assets. But other false positives were from SDK packages which 1. will stop if we suppress the warning for PackageTypes that are not dependency packages and 2. outside of DevDiv in Microsoft, I imagine the percentage of developers creating SDK packages is very close to zero. NuGet's DevDiv partners are very important, but if the rule helps improve average package quality for everyone else, it may be worthwhile to keep.

ericstj commented 5 years ago

We can't change a design flaw without possibly breaking a lot of peopl

You don't need to break anything to fix the representation foR support. Just add an explicit representation of support by evaluating where the package will install. This isn't so hard to do.

Unfortunately that's not the case. I've attached a little sample where a package contains only a build/net47/MyPkg.targets file, and it "installs" fine in a net45 project

That's a bug. NuGet shouldn't permit install of a package if it has applicable assets on some framework but no applicable assets on the target framework and no indication of support via placeholders/empty groups. I'm pretty sure some previous version of NuGet would fail install of this package.

I actually tried this using packages.config and it fails:

Could not install package 'MyPkg 1.0.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.

If I use packagereference it succeeds. That definitely feels like a bug to me.

Agreed that data can help you decide here. I believe you will find lots of community packages that are just build and/or content. Agreed I don't expect there to be a lot of SDKs since SDKs aren't easily acquireable.

nkolev92 commented 5 years ago

That's a bug. NuGet shouldn't permit install of a package if it has applicable assets on some framework but no applicable assets on the target framework and no indication of support via placeholders/empty groups. I'm pretty sure some previous version of NuGet would fail install of this package.

It's unfortunate, and in retrospect probably a bug, but at the time the compatibility checking for PR was implemented, this was treated as by design.


If any package provides a "ref/foo/Thingy.dll", there MUST be a matching "lib/foo/Thingy.dll" or  "runtimes/bar/lib/foo/Thingy.dll" provided by a package in the graph.
All packages that contain Managed Assemblies must provide assemblies for 'foo'. If a package
contains any of 'ref/' folders, 'lib/' folders, or framework assemblies, it must provide at least
one of those for the 'foo' framework. Otherwise, the package is intending to provide managed assemblies
but it does not support the target platform. If a package contains only 'content/', 'build/', 'tools/' or
other NuGet convention folders, it is exempt from this check. Thus, content-only packages are always considered
compatible, regardless of if they actually provide useful content.
rrelyea commented 5 years ago

A docs PR is in flight to cover NU5128: We'll tweak when NU5128 is raised as needed - current POR is after 5.3.0. Thanks for the continued effort to make the docs and warning hit the target.

nkolev92 commented 4 years ago

A similar package type issue was observed here: We should consider a rule that specifically targets all these package types (Template/SDK etc) that are not supposed to have dependencies and suggest using SuprpessDependenciesWhenPacking.

bording commented 4 years ago

I have a package that is hitting this warning, and for me it's just noise I have to disable because I very intentionally want the behavior this is warning about.

The package uses IncludeBuildOutput=false, includes props and targets files, and also is a metapackage, so I want the dependencies to propagate to consuming packages.

I've previously requested a change to packing because of this package in #7154, but that was left rather inconclusive.

I currently have this package targeting net40 and netstandard1.0 just to ensure that the dependencies are propagated to all consuming packages, specifically because of there not being a way to suppress the dependency grouping that I asked for in #7154 and NU5128 is warning about.

BrunoJuchli commented 4 years ago

We've also got a package which raises NU5128. It's a Tool package so it doesn't contain refor lib folders: image

Generated NuSpec (i've edited out description only properties like release notes, tags,... ):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="">
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0">
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Build.Framework" version="16.4.0" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core" version="16.4.0" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
        <dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="9.0.1" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />

Which is generated from running dotnet pack on the following csproj (again, some details edited out):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Build.Framework" Version="16.4.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core" Version="16.4.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="9.0.1" />
    <None Include="Sample\Sample.csproj" />
  <Target Name="IncludeReferenceAssembliesTarget" AfterTargets="Build">
    <Message Text="Project Output Path = $(OutputPath)" Importance="High" />
    <Message Text="Assembly: $(AssemblyName)" Importance="High" />
      <_PackageFiles Include="$(OutputPath)\Newtonsoft.Json.dll">
    <Message Text="@(Content)" Importance="High" />

Note: dotnet --version says 3.1.101.

StingyJack commented 4 years ago

If I try to pack the nuspec below I get the warning/instruction

WARNING: NU5128: Some target frameworks declared in the dependencies group of the nuspec and the lib/ref folder do not have exact matches in the other location. Consult the list of actions below:
- Add a dependency group for .NETFramework4.6.1 to the nuspec


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="">
    <title>WCF Utilities</title>
    <copyright>Copyright ©2020</copyright>
      <dependency id="Castle.Core" version="4.2.0"  />
      <dependency id="Castle.WcfIntegrationFacility" version="4.1.0"  />
      <dependency id="Castle.Windsor" version="4.1.0"  />
      <dependency id="log4net" version="2.0.8"  />
      <dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="9.0.1"  />
    <file src="bin\Release\My.WCFComponents.*" target="lib\net461"/>

... which is weird, because I've never had to do that before. Designating the target was enough for everything (nuget.exe, vs, etc) to understand this was only for netfx461 and things compatible with that. I do want to satisfy this warning, and I've not used a group element before so I copied the element from the docs page for the warning and added <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6.1" /> to the <dependencies> list and try to pack again and get

<dependencies> element must not contain both <group> and <dependency> child elements.

... and now this does not make a lick of sense. I'm not going to get rid of the other package dependencies. Is this just another bad error message and documentation?

I plan on ignoring this warning, but I'm worried that this warning is the advent of a new feature called "packages cannot depend on other packages" that will become the next grief-by-design coming my way.

nkolev92 commented 4 years ago


Did you change it to?

      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6.2">
          <dependency id="Castle.Core" version="4.2.0"  />
          <dependency id="Castle.WcfIntegrationFacility" version="4.1.0"  />
          <dependency id="Castle.Windsor" version="4.1.0"  />
          <dependency id="log4net" version="2.0.8"  />
          <dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="9.0.1"  />
StingyJack commented 4 years ago

@nkolev92 - nope, that's not what the example had. I figured that out later for a different package once I finally hacked the nuspec.xsd so I could get intellisense support for nuspec and saw what it wanted.

Its been a few months since I've had to make a package and was unpleasantly surprised by this extra bit of complexity and ongoing maintenance for a simple package. It used to be dead simple to make a package, sometimes it would even work without a nuspec. It was an easy add on to primary development work. Now it's a whole rigamarole that needs to be budgeted time in an estimate, etc. There's only one framework version mentioned in the nuspec, and that was enough. Now I get an error (treat warnings as errors) or warning if I don't do some extra work just to appease someone's engineering perfectionism.

nkolev92 commented 4 years ago

The example maybe can be improved but it's recommending removing the dependencies element and only using the dependencyGroup element.

If you are using a custom nuspec file, we recommend each TFM for which lib/ or ref/ assemblies exist should have a matching dependency group, even if the dependencies are the same as the next compatible TFM. For example, if a package contains netstandard1.0 and netstandard2.0 assemblies, and the dependencies are the same for both, we recommend both TFMs be listed as dependency groups with duplicate dependency items.

It's effectively saying do:

      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6.2">
          <dependency id="Castle.Core" version="4.2.0"  />
          <dependency id="Castle.WcfIntegrationFacility" version="4.1.0"  />
          <dependency id="Castle.Windsor" version="4.1.0"  />
          <dependency id="log4net" version="2.0.8"  />
          <dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="9.0.1"  />

Created a docs issue:

zivkan commented 4 years ago

just to appease someone's engineering perfectionism.

Some developers like to know what TFMs a package supports, so they have an idea about whether it's going to be compatible with their project before they try to use the package. Although it's not 100% accurate for reasons I won't go into here, the best way (pretty much the only way currently) they can make that decision is by looking at the dependency groups, which both and Visual Studio's package manager UI show. To these customers it doesn't matter if the package only supports a single TFM, if all supported TFM have the same dependencies, or the package doesn't have dependencies. When the package doesn't list TFMs it supports as dependency groups, they don't have information they're interested in.

So, this rule is aimed at improving the ecosystem, so that NuGet works for more developers the way they want it to. Claiming it's just to appease someone's engineering perfectionism is a strawman argument.

For what it's worth, NuGet does raise NU5128 as a warning, so if it's reported as an error, it's because the project opted into warnings as errors.

Zastai commented 3 years ago

Note: NU5017, which is an error, not a warning is also in play when using IncludeBuildOutput=false.

Specifically, I'm trying to create an SDK package. This contains only content files (with ContentTargetFolders=Sdk). Because there are no build tasks (or any other sources for that matter), I also do not see the point of including the empty assembly produced by the build. For the same reason, there are no (real) dependencies.

But when I set IncludeBuildOutput=false and SuppressDependenciesWhenPacking=true, this results in:

    error NU5017: Cannot create a package that has no dependencies nor content.

Note that the error is misleading; where it says "content" it means lib/ref assemblies; content files are not good enough.

StingyJack commented 3 years ago

Some developers like to know what TFMs a package supports, so they have an idea about whether it's going to be compatible with their project before they try to use the package

@zivkan -The target attribute used to be good enough for the target determination.

    <file src="bin\$Configuration$\MyAssembly.*" target="lib\net452"/>

If there was a dependency declared, and that dependency targeted net452 (or not, idk, idc), it would be installed. That would be the complete effort needed for someone making a private package. Now we have another structure built to replace it that requires more time and effort* for a simple package, all to make it dependency declaration more overt and complete (the two qualities we typically glom into the idea of perfect).

Circling back to the original topic though, I'd suggest anyone wanting to make a tools only package or that wants to not leave it up to nuget.exe/dotnet.exe to guess correctly as to what belongs in the package should really be looking to pack against a nuspec and not a proj file. Proj file based pack has always been a problem with how it chooses files to include or not.

It would be nice if someone from the Nuget team could explain what the difference between Project Output and Build Output are in general and in relation to this topic.

*we still do not have intellisense support for nuspec creation - why is that still a thing? its an XSD file that needs to be registered in VS

zivkan commented 3 years ago

The target attribute used to be good enough for the target determination

The list of files in the package is not part of the "NuGet protocol" (the json that gets sent between Package Manager UI and NuGet sources for search results). We could add it to the protocol and get to implement it, but there are a whole lot of existing NuGet servers (like Azure Artifacts, MyGet, NuGet feeds built into products like TeamCity, Artifactory, Nexus, and more) which would also need to be updated. Finally, if Visual Studio was updated to use the package's file list, only customers using the newest Visual Studio, and customers opening in their web browser, would benefit.

By having a pack warning that encourages package authors to create packages in a way that works with all existing NuGet server implementations and all previous versions of Visual Studio, the benefit to the ecosystem is maximised, not to mention it was significantly less effort that changing the protocol and Package Manager UI, allowing us to work on other features instead. NU5128 is a warning, so package authors have the choice of suppressing the warning. Most packages do not fall into the scenario where suppressing NU5128 is necessary or desirable.

we still do not have intellisense support for nuspec creation - why is that still a thing?

We get feedback in many ways. Occasional surveys in Visual Studio, occasional surveys on, interviews with customers over video, interviews with customers at and after conferences (not in 2020), interviews with Microsoft MVPs, in addition to feedback on and github, monitoring social media like twitter, stackoverflow, and I'm sure others. The PMs periodically summarize their customer outreach to the engineering team, and I don't remember nuspec intellisense ever being a top issue. In fact, I believe that we get more positive feedback about packing SDK style csproj with msbuild/dotnet cli, than we get negative feedback about limitations in it compared to hand editing nuspec files.

I hear you that it's something you are interested in. But we take into consideration a number of factors when deciding what work to prioritize, and adding intellisense for nuspec files has low customer engagement.

StingyJack commented 3 years ago

TL;DR - Rather than rely on a command option that's not performing as expected, OP can probably work around this option behavior/problem by using a nuspec, This arguably also makes it easier for the next ~homicidal maniac that knows where you live~ programmer ;D to support.

Long form

@zivkan - There is probably some difference in understanding for all parties between project output and build output. From my time in working with windows installer technology, project output is the compiled output of the project and nothing else. No content or config files, just a DLL or EXE. I'd assume build output includes these things and anything else destined for the output folder. If that assumption is correct then what does this flag possibly do for a nuget pack operation against a csproj?

We could add it to the protocol... Finally, if Visual Studio was updated to use the package's file list...

I dont get where you are going with this one because It worked before you added targets to dependency groups. The files in the package declare the framework target(s) already, and the information is already used by VS to block the installation of some packages when installing them into an inappropriate target project (a net46 package into a net45 project for example), and VS (or some subsystem) needs to read the nuspec in order to install the package. This is an extra step required now when I just want to reliably create and use packages without a lot of extra effort in my development workflow. That newly added feature code led to unplanned productivity delays for your customers.

Hasn't that protocol been needing replacement or update for years now? (at least I think that was the reason given for why the PM UI couldnt be made better WRT search execution and performance in general )

We get feedback in many ways.

All I really wanted for the nuspec.xsd was a legitimate xsd file. I dont know what the point of talking about an xsd in any of the documentation is if you dont actually have a working one available. It just needs to have the header namespaces set with actual values and not left as unfilled string interpolations. There is another issue open for that here already to continue any discussion on.

Defects in programs (or documentation), feature requests/enhancements, and feedback are three distinctly separate things. This GH issue - like many of them - is a potential defect. It may turn into other defects and feature request, but its never going to be the same as a customer survey or casual conversation (feedback).

zivkan commented 3 years ago

I dont get where you are going with this one because It worked before you added targets to dependency groups. The files in the package declare the framework target(s) already, and the information is already used by VS to block the installation of some packages when installing them into an inappropriate target project

When we do surveys, one of the top complaints from customers is the lack of ability to determine whether a package is compatible with their project before they attempt to install the package. They don't like attempting to install, only to get an error.

I don't remember which version of Visual Studio first started showing dependency groups in PM UI, I don't think VS2010 did, so I'll guess VS2012, but let's say VS2012 to VS2019 only show dependency groups. They don't use the list of files in the package to show in the UI what TFMs the package is compatible with. Therefore, by encouraging package authors to ensure their nuspec's dependency groups match what NuGet uses for actual package compatibility, all customers, using either the website or any version of VS (excluding VS2010) will have "accurate" information to make decisions on.

That's what our intern who worked on this expressed in the background section of the spec for this pack validation rule. This is the intent of the validation rule. To help customers understand package compatibility before attempting to install the package, using the only information currently available on and PM UI so that it benefits the maximum number of customers.

Hasn't that protocol been needing replacement or update for years now?

No, but even if it did, it wouldn't help with the goal of the pack validation that raises NU5128, specifically the goal of maximizing the number of package consumers who will benefit from the change.

I dont know what the point of talking about an xsd in any of the documentation is

I wasn't aware that the docs referred to it. We can take a look at what context the xsd is being mentioned, and update the docs accordingly. Perhaps even delete the mention.

StingyJack commented 3 years ago

When we do surveys, one of the top complaints from customers is the lack of ability to determine whether a package is compatible with their project before they attempt to install the package. They don't like attempting to install, only to get an error.

@zivkan - There are packages that show up as "Blocked" and then packages that have dependency groups defined correctly that still only report incompatibility at install time (meaning the thing users wanted was not fixex)....

Could not install package 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.1'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.

Nuget team has complained in the recent past about the protocol being slow and problematic as a reason why the search is crummy. Deleting the link to the XSD (from what is more or less "page 1") instead of fixing the namespaces at the top that are currently set to "{0}" seems like an overall negative proposition for everyone.

zivkan commented 3 years ago

I'm not disputing there are bugs, I'm trying to help give an understanding why NU5128 was added in the first place.

dotMorten commented 2 years ago

What are use cases for a package with only build/ files?

Packages that just deploy native runtime files. Combo of /runtimes/win-x86/native/ folders and /build/ targets files to help get them deployed for the target frameworks that doesn't automatically pick up stuff from the /runtimes/ folder