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[README] Table rendering can be better #8503

Closed zhhyu closed 2 years ago

zhhyu commented 3 years ago


Test package:

Add this markdown table into a readme file:

Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3
| :----- | :----: | -----:
a  | b | c
1  | 2 | 3
aaaaa | bbbbb | ccccccc 

The manage package page shows:

The package detail page shows:

Could the rendering be better, and share the same appearance between two pages? Tweaking Bootstrap, CSS may be helpful.

skofman1 commented 3 years ago

@lyndaidaii , what do you think?

lyndaidaii commented 3 years ago

@lyndaidaii , what do you think?

I think we could evaluate how much effort we want to fix this, if require a lot engineering time. I don't feel strongly to fix this in manage package page since readme is mutable. few people notice on manage package page. if this is simple fix, I think we could do it.

loic-sharma commented 3 years ago

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loic-sharma commented 2 years ago

Markdig has a Bootstrap extension that adds the .table class to table elements. We should be able to add this extension to Markdig's pipeline here:

This also affects block quotes (like > Quote) and images, so we should verify these aren't broken by this change.