NuLink-network / nulink-chain

The project Nulink-chain is trying to bridge the NuCypher Network from Ethereum to the Polkadot Ecosystem. The NuCypher Network is a decentralized network of nodes that perform threshold cryptography operations which are serving users with secret management and dynamic access control.
Apache License 2.0
47 stars 49 forks source link

Infinite 'Start Operator Bonded Tracker' #8

Open srvinii opened 4 months ago

srvinii commented 4 months ago

Hello, currently after running the node and staking for this operator, I see these logs, and it doesn't go away, and on the dashboard the status remains as "Worker status offline":

(nulink-venv) root@ip-172-31-2-190:~/nulink# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE           COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                       NAMES
db7633d64c4c   nulink/nulink   "nulink ursula run -…"   3 seconds ago   Up 2 seconds>9151/tcp, :::9151->9151/tcp   ursula
(nulink-venv) root@ip-172-31-2-190:~/nulink# docker logs -f ursula
Defaulting to Ursula configuration file: '/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink/ursula.json'
Authenticating Ursula
Learner seed_nodes 0
Loaded Ursula (horus)
✓ External IP matches configuration
Starting services [current version: 0.5.0]
✓ Node Discovery (Horus)
✓ operator address: 0xAAB26a8a984aFf0afCa656D252925497Afc32c64
✓ Work Tracking
✓ Start Operator Bonded Tracker
✓ Rest Server
Working ~ Keep Ursula Online!
OperatorBondedTracker: ! Operator 0xAAB26a8a984aFf0afCa656D252925497Afc32c64 is not bonded to a staking provider
---------------------- transaction_dict: {"value": 0, "gasPrice": 1200000000, "chainId": 97, "nonce": 0, "from": "0xAAB26a8a984aFf0afCa656D252925497Afc32c64", "gas": 75424, "to": "0xC832C80a904eF725FFdC302EC9fD855029bCe29C", "data": "0x9f795125"}-------------
---------------------- to_be_singed_transaction: {"value": 0, "chainId": 97, "nonce": 0, "from": "0xAAB26a8a984aFf0afCa656D252925497Afc32c64", "gas": 75424, "to": "0xC832C80a904eF725FFdC302EC9fD855029bCe29C", "data": "0x9f795125"}-------------
Broadcasting CONFIRMOPERATORADDRESS Legacy Transaction (0.0000905088 ETH @ 1.2 gwei)
TXHASH 0x57437f6bc873e165ec8b3933c926658c4ae023c142bd29533301685a11215f3d
Confirming operator address 0xAAB26a8a984aFf0afCa656D252925497Afc32c64 with staking provider 0x45653f1A2ACA7D81418c7420899128554479Cc9c - TxHash: 0x57437f6bc873e165ec8b3933c926658c4ae023c142bd29533301685a11215f3d
OperatorBondedTracker: ✓ Operator 0xAAB26a8a984aFf0afCa656D252925497Afc32c64 is bonded to staking provider 0x45653f1A2ACA7D81418c7420899128554479Cc9c
Restarting services
---------------------------------- stop_learning_loop ----------------------------------
Defaulting to Ursula configuration file: '/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink/ursula.json'
Authenticating Ursula
Learner seed_nodes 0
Loaded Ursula (horus)
✓ External IP matches configuration
Starting services [current version: 0.5.0]
✓ Node Discovery (Horus)
✓ operator address: 0xAAB26a8a984aFf0afCa656D252925497Afc32c64
✓ Operator already confirmed.  Not starting worktracker.
✓ Start Operator Bonded Tracker
0xSmolTrader commented 4 months ago

Facing the same issue, have you found a solution