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Apply cloud-top height corrections to eas_optical #78

Closed Areustle closed 1 year ago

Areustle commented 1 year ago

A long-standing feature planned for nuspacesim has been to employ a cloud-mask to the optical cherenkov calculation. In it's simplest form this would be a routine to eliminate optical photons generated from extensive airshower segments that occur below the top of atmospheric clouds in a given region of the planet, employing the simplifying assumption that any such occluded photons would not be visible to the detector.

Areustle commented 1 year ago

Related PR #70

Areustle commented 1 year ago

Added logic for masking out generated photons from shower segments below cloud top height.

Added new CloudModel simulation class and two configuration types: MonoCloud and NoCloud.

Tested MonoCloud with 10km cloud top height, fixed cherenkov angle and photon density computations in the no-photon, and 1-segment cases.

Updated NssConfig and configuration XML to handle CloudModelTypes.


Areustle commented 1 year ago

Be sure to add the cloud model type and selected parameters to the FITS header metadata.