Nuand / bladeRF-adsb

bladeRF ADS-B hardware decoder
MIT License
115 stars 31 forks source link

Users can now pass an absolute file path that contains the FPGA images. #5

Open bnt2025 opened 8 years ago

bnt2025 commented 8 years ago

By adding an absolute file path as an argument to bladeRF_adsb. Must contain the tailing / If no argument is passed then the images in the current directory are used.

For example: bladeRF_adsb /usr/src/bladeRF-adsb/bladeRF_adsb/

Romeo-Golf commented 7 years ago

While I expect most 'open source' projects would welcome user input and pull requests, it appears that not permitted by the licence:

"Source code and any derivative works including binaries may only be used, integrated, copied, modified, and distributed when used on or tagetting devices sold, or distributed by Nuand LLC."

robertghilduta commented 7 years ago

@Romeo-Golf the license has definitely been less than ideal for us as well. We are in touch with some attorneys that have written FOSS licenses to see we can get something that we need. Our biggest concern is the limitation of GPL for hardware and HDL projects. Since the core is a combination of software and HDL, we'd like to ensure that any derivative works would be bound by a GPL-like license. Currently if someone were to turn our HDL into an ASIC, we are not entirely sure GPL would obligate them to turn over the design files.

bnt2025 commented 7 years ago

OK, should i delete this then repo then? I don't fancy violating any licenses.