Nuand / bladeRF

bladeRF USB 3.0 Superspeed Software Defined Radio Source Code
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FPGA Code doesn't load on Fedora 19 #76

Closed brianredbeard closed 11 years ago

brianredbeard commented 11 years ago

Attempting to load the FPGA code within Fedora 19 fails:

[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ bladeRF-cli -p

    Backend:        libusb
    USB Bus:        4
    USB Address:    12

[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ bladeRF-cli -l ~/Downloads/hostedx40.rbf 
INFO - Found a bladeRF
INFO - Claimed all inferfaces successfully
Loading fpga...
INFO - Change to alternate interface 0
INFO - Change to alternate interface 1
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ 
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ 
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ bladeRF-cli -p

    Backend:        libusb
    USB Bus:        4
    USB Address:    12

[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ bladeRF-cli -l ~/Downloads/hostedx40.rbf 
INFO - Found a bladeRF
INFO - Claimed all inferfaces successfully
INFO - Change to alternate interface 1
Loading fpga...
INFO - FPGA is already loaded -- reloading.
INFO - Change to alternate interface 0
INFO - Change to alternate interface 1
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ bladeRF-cli -p

    Backend:        libusb
    USB Bus:        4
    USB Address:    12

[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ rpm -qa libusbx libusbx-devel
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ id
uid=1000(bharrington) gid=1000(bharrington) groups=1000(bharrington),10(wheel),18(dialout),54(lock),985(plugdev),986(wireshark) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
[bharrington@leviathan dev]$ ll /dev/nuand /dev/bus/usb/004/012
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root          15 Sep  2 23:54 /dev/nuand -> bus/usb/004/012
crw-rw----. 1 root plugdev 189, 395 Sep  3 00:01 /dev/bus/usb/004/012
Nuand commented 11 years ago

Can you post the output of what you see if you run bladeRF-cli without arguments, and run version when the shell launches? Is this running in a VM?

brianredbeard commented 11 years ago

Sure thing. This is bare metal. I included the --help to show the updated options.

[bharrington@leviathan ~]$ bladeRF-cli 
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ bladeRF-cli -V
[bharrington@leviathan ~]$ bladeRF-cli --help
Usage: bladeRF-cli [options]
bladeRF command line interface and test utility (0.4.0-git-f3da3dc-dirty)

  -d, --device <device>            Use the specified bladeRF device.
  -f, --flash-firmware <file>      Flash specified firmware file.
  -l, --load-fpga <file>           Load specified FPGA bitstream.
  -p, --probe                      Probe for devices, print results, then exit.
  -L, --lib-version                Print libbladeRF version and exit.
  -v, --verbosity <level>          Set the libbladeRF verbosity level.
                                   Levels, listed in increasing verbosity, are:
                                    critical, error, warning,
                                    info, debug, verbose
  -V, --version                    Print CLI version and exit.
  -h, --help                       Show this help text.

  The -d option takes a device specifier string. See the bladerf_open()
  documentation for more information about the format of this string.

  If the -d parameter is not provided, the first available device
  will be used for the provided command, or will be opened prior
  to entering interactive mode.

  This tool has been built without INTERACTIVE=y. The interactive
  console is disabled (-i) and the -s option is not supported.
[bharrington@leviathan ~]$ cd Projects/bladeRF/
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ git branch
* master
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ git branch -r
  origin/HEAD -> origin/master
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
[bharrington@leviathan bladeRF]$ git log -n1 
commit f3da3dc540a3bd3f00c469a3cc1dd8c58b5874ab
Author: Jon Szymaniak <>
Date:   Sun Sep 1 03:02:12 2013 -0400

    bladeRF-cli: Fixed pthreads-win32 linking issue
jynik commented 11 years ago

Closing this issue per some discussion on IRC. For folks looking at this issue while troubleshooting, here's a summary of the resolution and some potentially helpful notes:

A couple items here were a bit misleading. As a result, these have been noted in the Known Issues wiki page

  1. The serial number not being read back in probe.
  2. A warning about the FPGA not currently having a version number

Both of these items are currently expected, and will be addressed soon.