Nuanda / plankrk

An open data webapp for collaborative planning of city zoning. Applied to Kraków.
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Zone use identifiers, their explanation and translation #51

Open Nuanda opened 9 years ago

Nuanda commented 9 years ago

We should gather all possible zone use identifiers (like MW, ZPp etc.) and provide their explanation (in both PL and EN) for the user.

Nuanda commented 9 years ago

Ok, here are all the unique RODZAJ_OZN:

["\nKDD", " ", "9 MN", "A", "C", "CL/P", "E", "G", "I", "IE", "IT", "IW", "K", "KA", "KD", "KD (D)", "KD (L)", "KD (S)", "KD(B)", "KD(D)", "KD(D)/KS", "KD(Dp)", "KD(G)", "KD(G)/KU", "KD(G+T)", "KD(GP)", "KD(GP)/KD(L)", "KD(L)", "KD(L)/WS", "KD(PR)", "KD(T)", "KD(X)", "KD(Z)", "KD(Z+T)", "KD/D", "KD/D+T", "KD/DW", "KD/DX", "KD/E", "KD/E+T", "KD/G", "KD/G+T", "KD/GP", "KD/GP+T", "KD/L", "KD/L+T", "KD/X", "KD/XR", "KD/Z", "KD/Z 1/2 + T", "KD/Z+T", "KD/Z/GP", "KDA", "KDD", "KDD+WS", "KDD/KT", "KDD/WS", "KDG", "KDGP", "KDGP/KT", "KDGP/KT+WS", "KDGt", "KDL", "KDL+T", "KDL/KDD", "KDL/KT", "KDL/KT+WS", "KDL/WS", "KDLT", "KDP", "KDS", "KDW", "KDW/D", "KDW/Do", "KDW/P", "KDX", "KDX(B)", "KDX/WS", "KDXr", "KDZ", "KDZ+T", "KDZ/KT", "KDZT", "KDZt", "KDd", "KDgp", "KDl", "KDr/X", "KDrX", "KDs (D)", "KG", "KGP", "KK", "KK(TZ)", "KKD", "KL", "KP", "KP/U", "KP/ZPU", "KPR", "KPU", "KPZ", "KS", "KS/KT", "KT", "KT (D 1/2)", "KT (L 1/2)", "KT D 1/1", "KT(G 2/2 + T + R)", "KT(L 1/2)", "KT/D", "KT/L", "KTD", "KTD 1/2", "KU", "KU.e", "KU.p", "KU/KS", "KU/P", "KU/S", "KUe", "KUg", "KUp", "KW", "KX", "KX/ZP", "KXR", "KZ", "KZ+T", "LU", "LU/ZP", "M", "M/U", "M1", "M2", "M3", "M3U", "M4", "MN", "MN(A)", "MN(C)", "MN(D)", "MN(N)", "MN(Nw)", "MN(O)", "MN(S)", "MN(Z)", "MN(d)", "MN(s)", "MN(u)", "MN(w)", "MN(z)", "MN.Os", "MN/MW", "MN/RM", "MN/U", "MN/W", "MN/Z", "MN1", "MN2", "MN3", "MNU", "MNs", "MNw", "MU", "MU/MW", "MW", "MW(N)", "MW(N)/U", "MW(W)", "MW(W)/U", "MW(n)", "MW/MN", "MW/U", "MWU", "MWi", "MWn", "MWn/U", "MWs", "MWs/U", "MWw", "MWw/U", "MZ", "O", "OC", "P", "P/U", "PG", "PL", "PP", "PS", "PT", "PT/P", "PT/UC", "PT/UN", "PU", "PUo", "PX", "R", "R(Z)", "R/RM", "RL", "RM", "RO", "RP", "RU", "RZ", "RZL", "Rws", "S", "T", "TEREN ZAMKNIETY", "TK", "TK/KDG", "TK/Z", "TZ", "U", "U(A)", "U(c)", "U(c) / U(p)", "U(p)", "U.o", "U/MN", "U/MW", "U/P", "U/UP", "U/UP/MW", "U/WS", "U/Z", "U/ZP", "UC", "UCz", "UH", "UK", "UKs", "UM", "UMW", "UN", "UO", "UP", "UP/MN", "UP/PT", "UP/US", "UP/ZP", "UPK", "UPo", "US", "US(w)", "USw", "UT", "UX", "UX/P", "Ue", "Uk", "Uks", "Uku", "Umz", "Un", "Un/mz", "Uo", "Up", "Upt", "Ur", "Ur/mz", "Utv", "Uz", "UŁ", "W", "WS", "WS/ZN", "WSk", "WSs", "WZ", "Z", "ZC", "ZCU", "ZCf", "ZD", "ZE", "ZF", "ZG", "ZI", "ZI/K", "ZI/KS", "ZK", "ZL", "ZLz", "ZN", "ZNN", "ZNp", "ZO", "ZO(o)", "ZP", "ZP(F)", "ZP(P)", "ZP(n)", "ZP(p)", "ZP.i", "ZP.p", "ZP.s", "ZP/B", "ZP/KDX", "ZP/KP", "ZP/U", "ZP/US", "ZP/zoo", "ZPD", "ZPF", "ZPI", "ZPL", "ZPO", "ZPR", "ZPT", "ZPU", "ZPX", "ZPb", "ZPf", "ZPfn", "ZPg", "ZPi", "ZPm", "ZPn", "ZPo", "ZPp", "ZPr", "ZPs", "ZPu", "ZPw", "ZPz", "ZR", "ZS", "ZU", "ZUO", "ZW", "ZWS", "ZZL", "Zp", "Zpo", "Zw", "ZŁ", "brak_ozn.", "z"]

Nuanda commented 9 years ago

Now, this is going to be fun ;). Things I found till now:

more to come...

Nuanda commented 9 years ago

My Kimonolabs API to scrape BIP pages for Uchwałas PDFs - so we can find Uchwałas where appropriate OZN are explained. Works in most cases ;).

Nuanda commented 9 years ago

BTW - simple URL to check a feature properties is:

where the last number is feature's FID (here: detailed zoning layer 0).

Nuanda commented 9 years ago

ZP(n) means something like "tereny zieleni urządzonej, niepublicznej" whereas uai planning studio people would rather have it mean "tereny zieleni parkowej wraz z istniejącym budynkiem dawnego dworu i zespołem istniejących budynków gospodarczych – podworskich". Why? Well, why waste your time splitting zones into particular use type, while you can join huge chunks of terrain into such wonderful generic zone use type? Other invention of theirs: "tereny otwarte, w tym tereny rolnicze, zieleni nieurządzonej oraz zadrzewienia i obudowa biologiczna cieków wodnych". I really hope they went out of business till now and are subcontractors for development of those roads they planned (like - digging the ground in winter with shovels and bare hands)...

Nuanda commented 9 years ago

After several hours of investigating the subject the matter looks beyond repair to me. What appeared to me as a kind of standardized vocabulary, is just an illusion of one. There are absolutely no naming standards imposed on architects, who prepare zoning plans - they define and name "unchecked and unchallenged".

Having several qualifiers for the same use, like KDD, KD(D), KD (D) is ok, we may translate all of them. However, what is much worse, many identical qualifiers mean different things in different plans/districts.

So, for each plan, one needs to read Uchwała where the marking is explained. Of course, we cannot scrape these Uchwałas in an automated way.

The only way forward here I see would be to contextualize zone use qualifier translation by the district/plan ID. At least in some more peculiar cases.

Nuanda commented 9 years ago - this might help with zone use type translations to EN.