NubeIO / driver-bacnet

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Supported Objects #3

Closed NubeDev closed 2 years ago

NubeDev commented 2 years ago

init of app objects types and number the default amount of points will be 0 objects required

so user will put in how many object to create on startup BO=25 BI=50 and so on The default for each type will be 0 so the command below would only create 50 BIs

BI=50 ./bin/bacserv 1234

See examlpe of max count of points

shomaglasang commented 2 years ago

@NubeDev pushed changes for BI and BO number of object instances on startup. Supported get/set on object property name and present value.

BI=10 BO=10 ./bin/bacserv
shomaglasang commented 2 years ago

@NubeDev list objects now supported. Get/set of object name and present value.

BI=10 BO=10 BV=10 AI=10 AO=10 AV=10 ./bin/bacserv
shomaglasang commented 2 years ago

@NubeDev Please re-open mate if there are issues.

shomaglasang commented 2 years ago
