Nuchaz / BiblioCraft

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[1.10.2] Rendering configuration settings not honored #410

Open Techokami opened 7 years ago

Techokami commented 7 years ago

So, there are two modes for rendering items on shelves/potion racks: a fancy mode that uses models similar to what the player would hold and render any special overlay effects (e.g. enchantments), and a fast mode that renders a 2D sprite billboard without any special effects.

It has been proven on a private server I play on that the fancy mode obliterates FPS if someone were to have a wall of potion shelves full of brewed potions on display, but runs perfectly fine in the fast mode. So, we prefer to use the fast mode.

However, in Bibliocraft 2.2.1 on Minecraft 1.10.2, this configuration setting is NOT being honored, and is rendering in fancy mode, despite the clients and servers all explicitly having the fast mode set in the Bibliocraft config file.

What happened?

Nuchaz commented 7 years ago

For some reason, the 2D sprites don't seem to work anymore at all? The fancy/fast graphics setting doesn't seem to effect anything anymore that I can see. I think the model system in 1.8.9 removed 2D sprites and broke fast rendering. That is all I can figure.

Nuchaz commented 7 years ago

After further research, I determined that you can thank Mojang for this change. 2d item rendering is now impossible in Minecraft 1.8 and newer.

Techokami commented 7 years ago

Booooooooooo :(

jaquadro commented 7 years ago

@Nuchaz I render flat items on Storage Drawers faces. I can't think of any reason that you couldn't adopt the same techniques into your renderer.

Nuchaz commented 7 years ago

That is a really clever approach @jaquadro, I hadn't thought of rendering the items like that. Thanks. I'll reopen this issue and mess around with this approach, see what I can do.