Nuchaz / BiblioCraft

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Item overlays appear to be hardcoded for right handedness #734

Open treacherousfiend opened 2 years ago

treacherousfiend commented 2 years ago

When the player's main hand is the left hand (Options -> Skin Customization -> Main Hand), the Atlas's border appears in the hand that would be correct if the main hand was the right hand. This only happens when an item is in the off-hand.

Atlas in off hand 2021-08-18_13 15 20

Atlas in main hand 2021-08-18_13 15 29

Bibliocraft version 2.4.5

treacherousfiend commented 2 years ago

Update: This appears to happen to other bibliocraft items as well, like the clipboard 2021-08-19_18 33 07