NuclearPhoenixx / RouteryPi

📶 RouteryPi is a simple WiFi access point made out of any Raspberry Pi 🥧
Apache License 2.0
132 stars 22 forks source link is broken #2

Closed lischenko closed 6 years ago

lischenko commented 6 years ago

The script breaks when run with sh under recent raspbian (mine was 2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch-lite). 4: function: not found
An error occured! Aborting....

The reason is most likely because /bin/sh is pointing to dash now:

An easy fix for that is to use posix syntax for the function: replace function check_errors { with check_errors() {

When run with bash it passes further but breaks when trying to write the /etc/network/interfaces file:

Writing /etc/network/interfaces...
bash: line 1: auto: command not found
bash: line 2: iface: command not found
bash: line 5: auto: command not found
NuclearPhoenixx commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I'll look into it.

fabioassuncao commented 6 years ago

@lischenko manual installation is most recommended at this time, and some adjustments can be made immediately.

NuclearPhoenixx commented 6 years ago

Should be fixed with commit cf7d781. Please let me know if there are any more issues!