NucleoidMC / Server-Translations

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Server Translations API let drop MSTP to Death #50

Closed suerion closed 1 year ago

suerion commented 1 year ago

Hey, we had on our side a problem with the Server Translation API,

we had added Vanish from DrexHD, the server has started to lag, after a few tests we had found out, that the Server Translation API will let drop MSTP and TP from our Server, without the mod, the Impact does not inccure.

Please look on this issue, i think the communicaton should be cuted down to stop this impact.

Patbox commented 1 year ago

You don't have any data or anything? I've never experienced that and this is first report (and there are a lot of server using this without your issue)

DrexHD commented 1 year ago

@suerion you have mentioned spark reports on the issue report in my repository. It would be great if you could share them here, so we can take a look at the data!

Patbox commented 1 year ago

Generally, this mod should only effect networking performance (as all translation stuff is done there, being skipped otherwise). So I can't see how it would effect server/main thread performance

suerion commented 1 year ago

Hey, yeah i had yesterday shared some datas from spark, i will share it again, after disabling vanish, or server translations api, it does work normaly.

i will come back to you. after searching the datas from yesterday. (TP impact is bigger as MSTP)

suerion commented 1 year ago

After restarting our dedicated server, it has no problem anymore, -> only the normal problemes we are working on. (Vanish is active)

Don't found the right Spark profil anymore, only this old one, after disabling server translation api, it does run normal again.

but we tested a lot the last few days, and after disabling server translations api, the TP and MSTP are back to normal, with this it has a lot of problems.

If i could reproduce this error, i will come backt to the issue

suerion commented 1 year ago

@Patbox @DrexHD i think it was an issue with our dedicated server, we don't have any issues. i will close the issues