Nuked88 / ComfyUI-N-Sidebar

A simple sidebar for your ConfyUI!
MIT License
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Latest pull doesnt show the new templates or workflows #53

Closed Amorano closed 1 month ago

Amorano commented 1 month ago




Fresh install of comfy, fresh install of manager, fresh install of Sidebar. You can see there are no icons for the new templates.

Amorano commented 1 month ago

Seems to work in Chrome, doesnt work in FF.

Amorano commented 1 month ago

No errors or warnings in console either.

Amorano commented 1 month ago


got it.... halfway. Still no templates in the directory. I had to clear the cookies from the site. I assume you have some crusty old stuff in there someplace.

Amorano commented 1 month ago

Cookie “pinnedItems” does not have a proper “SameSite” attribute value. Soon, cookies without the “SameSite” attribute or with an invalid value will be treated as “Lax”. This means that the cookie will no longer be sent in third-party contexts. If your application depends on this cookie being available in such contexts, please add the “SameSite=None“ attribute to it. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read

That was the cookie that was messing it up.

Amorano commented 1 month ago


are you only looking for .json? Cause I have all sorts of files in there and it seems to trip on anything not .json

Amorano commented 1 month ago


you do, indeed, need to add a "workflow" directory. That is not a thing; you should just make it if it doesnt exist.

Nuked88 commented 1 month ago

yes! i'm fixing that right now, and since i was not using firefox i just notice that the layout is not working well there, so i'm tring to fix that too xD

Amorano commented 1 month ago

You should check opera as well -- lots of MAC users.


working okish now -- except I have sub-dirs, and it doesnt support those (yet I assume) -- and it should follow symlinks as well.

I assume you are using the ComyfyUI-Workspace-Manager as a outline: image

If it supported multilevel, then I think I can replace his with yours easy enough.


Nuked88 commented 1 month ago

Oh opera is working fine, is just firefox... I will try to do multilevel and symlink!

Nuked88 commented 1 month ago

Ok, now it should work fine in firefox

Amorano commented 1 month ago

verified issue resolved! cheers!