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Fallout 4 Creation Kit fixes.
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UI fixes, active forms, etc #3

Open Perchik71 opened 3 years ago

Perchik71 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I slightly changed Your code responsible for the UI. Added filtering of active forms, and changed the positioning of elements in the Object and Cell View Windows with corrections when resizing and drawing. Added an experimental patch from CK SSE.

Perchik71 commented 3 years ago

Hello! I won't add any more to this branch yet. It is completely stable. There are some developments on fog, as I understand the render was significantly rewritten. I fixed what I could. I'll be busy in the future. If that I update from your branch.

yarrmateys commented 3 years ago

i'd like to mention that it's not completely stable. if your os's text scale (control panel>appearance and personalization > display in win7, dunno where it is in 10) is set to anything above 100%, the ui modifications and additions will make it almost unusable. in my case, i have it set to 125% and the new additions and modifications appear half over the dropdown menu in cell view on the right side, while on the left side they're all on top of each other. is it possible to make it ignore dpi changes and always render in 100% size? since it's a 64 bit program it's impossible to disable it from properties.

another problem i have is setting RenderWindowUnlockedFPS=true makes the plugin loading window appear somewhere under the creation kit window (alt tabbing immediately brings it up, but if ck loses focus even for a second it's impossible to get it anymore), sometimes forcing me to kill it via task manager if i can't get to it. it should probably be forced to the front.

attempting to re-load the same file after loading and modifying it will say "base game master files cannot be set as the active file", you need to scroll down to it and click active twice to re-activate it. it seems after doing anything to a file ck forgets it was set as active and defaults to fallout4.esm or something.

Perchik71 commented 3 years ago

i'd like to mention that it's not completely stable. if your os's text scale (control panel>appearance and personalization > display in win7, dunno where it is in 10) is set to anything above 100%, the ui modifications and additions will make it almost unusable. in my case, i have it set to 125% and the new additions and modifications appear half over the dropdown menu in cell view on the right side, while on the left side they're all on top of each other. is it possible to make it ignore dpi changes and always render in 100% size? since it's a 64 bit program it's impossible to disable it from properties.

another problem i have is setting RenderWindowUnlockedFPS=true makes the plugin loading window appear somewhere under the creation kit window (alt tabbing immediately brings it up, but if ck loses focus even for a second it's impossible to get it anymore), sometimes forcing me to kill it via task manager if i can't get to it. it should probably be forced to the front.

attempting to re-load the same file after loading and modifying it will say "base game master files cannot be set as the active file", you need to scroll down to it and click active twice to re-activate it. it seems after doing anything to a file ck forgets it was set as active and defaults to fallout4.esm or something.

Hello! I understand what you mean, but it can only be determined, these settings affect all applications. To fix this problem, need to redo all the dialogs of the program, so that it looks beautiful and in 125 % and in 150 %. I consider this as a suggestion, but there are a lot of dialogues, you don't expect me to solve it.

RenderWindowUnlockedFPS=true enable only on very powerful hardware, it sets the timer to the minimum value of Windows OS 10 milliseconds. This means that it will send 100 times per second for processing. VSyncRender=true set if RenderWindowUnlockedFPS=true. VSyncRender does not cut out the sync function. But both set to true, only on powerful hardware.

This message" base game master files cannot be set as the active file " comes out if you click Set Active on the master files that are from Bethesda. I forbade you to do this, you can do it with other master files and .esl, however, with .esl you need to remember to convert the Form ID. I threw off the screenshots, I tried to simulate your problem, but both in the case of active and in cases of its absence, fallout4. esm did not get active.

Tell us how? this message is only triggered when you click Set Active. If you want to re-load the mod, just open Data and click Ok.

The only thing that doesn't work and crashes. Must not be installed. Dark theme, for some reason crashes when loading the mod, so it should be false. UIDarkTheme=false

yarrmateys commented 3 years ago

the thing with the font scale is that creation kit already looks fine in 125% size and every window looks the same as it did in original ck, only your additions are out of place at that scale.

If you want to re-load the mod, just open Data and click Ok.

that's exactly what i did though. the mod was a regular esp, flagged as esl. i set it to active, opened it, modified it a bit and saved. then opened data and clicked ok, and got that message.

another situation, i loaded just a master file as master with no active file, made some modifications then saved the new esp, then opened data and clicked ok. the new esp was already marked as active file, but i got the same result as before, the error message. it looks like in this situation the program forgets the active file setting and assumes it's set on fallout4.esp.

Perchik71 commented 3 years ago

Thanks with the Cell View dialog, I'll try to solve it. As for the re-loading, I did everything the same way as you write. It's possible that ck re-checks in Your case, but it surprises me that only when re-loading, and not from the first one, I will try can be fix.

Perchik71 commented 3 years ago

I looked at and fixed the dialogs for 125% dpi. The screenshot was created to test the idea. Now the dialogs are very similar to CK SSE Fixed.

yarrmateys commented 3 years ago

i know what's going on with the set as active problem now. once you open data, the default keyboard control cursor is on "set as active file" and file on fallout4.esm, so when i press enter on it it tries to do just that, set fallout4.esm as active and fails. maybe it could by default be on ok instead of set as active. i use the keyboard a lot so i open data, then press enter to reload.

Perchik71 commented 3 years ago

"Set Active" will always have focus, since the active file selection is done before OK, so there is only a mouse.

Perchik71 commented 3 years ago

Now in the dialogs affected by the plugin, the "Ok" button will be the first. Also replaced the font with the support of the blur.