Nukesor / pueue

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[Bug] #539

Closed rayanamal closed 3 weeks ago

rayanamal commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Even though the Get Started guide in the wiki says there's a systemd unit file in the github releases page, there is none. This is probably the 4th time I checked over the course of this year and it's nowhere.

Download pueued.service from the GitHub Releases page.

Steps to reproduce

Check out the releases page.

Operating system

NixOS Unstable

Pueue version


Nukesor commented 3 weeks ago

Good point. The systemd unit file is usually uploaded during the linux x86-64 release, which was broken until recently. Since the build failed, the systemd service file was never uploaded. With the release pipeline being fixed in (, this should now be done automatically once again.

The systemd service file is also located in the repo and just copied over during the release process for convenience. See

I also added the file to the latest release again.