NullArray / AutoSploit

Automated Mass Exploiter
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.98k stars 1.13k forks source link

Wrong Lport #1077

Closed ozaik closed 4 years ago

ozaik commented 5 years ago

Wrong Lport and workspace

Exploit module information

Program information

root@autosploit# run 4444 default
[?] sort modules by relevance to last query[y/N]: n
[?] view sorted modules[y/N]: n
[?] press enter to start exploitation phase: 
[+] starting exploitation phase
[+] Launching exploits against 100 hosts:
[+] launching exploit 'auxiliary/fuzzers/dns/dns_fuzzer' against host ''
[+] Executing command 'sudo  msfconsole -r /root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/ -q'
(msf)>> [*] Processing /root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/ for ERB directives.
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> workspace -a
(msf)>> [*] Workspace '' already existed, switching to it.
(msf)>> [*] Workspace:
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> use auxiliary/fuzzers/dns/dns_fuzzer
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> setg lhost 4444
(msf)>> lhost => 4444
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> setg lport default
(msf)>> lport => default
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> setg verbose true
(msf)>> verbose => true
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> setg threads 20
(msf)>> threads => 20

Sorry for my english

Ekultek commented 5 years ago

Sorry for my english

You're good :)

What exploit was deployed? all

Which mods list? I'm assuming default fuzzers?

Wrong Lport and workspace

It has to do with the module itself, if you look at the output and the module itself: The output:

(msf)>> [*] Processing /root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/ for ERB directives.
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> workspace -a
(msf)>> [*] Workspace '' already existed, switching to it.
(msf)>> [*] Workspace:
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> use auxiliary/fuzzers/dns/dns_fuzzer
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> setg lhost 4444
(msf)>> lhost => 4444
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> setg lport default
(msf)>> lport => default
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> setg verbose true
(msf)>> verbose => true
(msf)>> resource (/root/AutoSploit/autosploit_out/2019-05-08_14h42m38s/> setg threads 20
(msf)>> threads => 20

The actual module:

msf5 auxiliary(fuzzers/dns/dns_fuzzer) > show options

Module options (auxiliary/fuzzers/dns/dns_fuzzer):

   Name         Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----         ---------------  --------  -----------
   CLASS                         no        Comma separated list of classes to fuzz. Leave empty to fuzz all fields.
   CYCLIC       true             no        Use Cyclic pattern instead of A's (fuzzing payload).
   DNSSEC       false            no        Add DNSsec to each question (UDP payload size, EDNS0, ...)
   DOMAIN                        no        Force DNS zone domain name.
   ENDSIZE      500              no        Max Fuzzing string size. (L2 Frame size)
   ERRORHDR     0                no        Introduces byte error in the DNS header.
   IMPORTENUM                    no        Import dns_enum database output and automatically use existing RR.
   ITERATIONS   5                yes       Number of iterations to run by test case
   METHOD       UDP              no        Underlayer protocole to use (Accepted: UDP, TCP, AUTO)
   OPCODE                        no        Comma separated list of opcodes to fuzz. Leave empty to fuzz all fields.
   RAWPADDING   false            no        Generate totally random data from STARTSIZE to ENDSIZE
   RHOSTS                        yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   RPORT        53               yes       The target port (TCP)
   RR                            no        Comma separated list of requests to fuzz. Leave empty to fuzz all fields.
   STARTSIZE    0                no        Fuzzing string startsize.
   STEPSIZE     100              no        Increment fuzzing string each attempt.
   THREADS      1                yes       The number of concurrent threads
   TRAILINGNUL  true             no        NUL byte terminate DNS names

msf5 auxiliary(fuzzers/dns/dns_fuzzer) > 

Unfortunately there's not really a way to fix these kind of issues without adding more commands to the RC scripts. If you can think of a way to actually fix this issue without us just removing the module from the list let me know!

Ekultek commented 5 years ago

I went ahead and removed it here: you should see it in the next release

ozaik commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your answer and your work.

This is done on the 2 modules.

Ekultek commented 5 years ago

which two?

Ekultek commented 4 years ago

ping @ozaik?

THEpWn3R-o commented 4 years ago

Hello, for anyone wondering or veiwing this i fixed this issue with a temp solution, run the exploit command like this "exploit [the ip] [the ip again] [port] [honeycheck], this makes everything work the way it should.