NullArray / DorkNet

Selenium powered Python script to automate searching for vulnerable web apps.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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#result_not_save #16

Open addrit opened 4 years ago

addrit commented 4 years ago

python -d inurl:php?id= --verbose

[+]Would you like DorkNet to proxy it's connection to the search engine? [Y]es/[N]o: n [+]Establishing unproxied connection... [+]Done. Results have been saved to a textfile, in the current directory as <closed file 'results.log', mode 'ab' at 0x7f69cfb57270> for further processing.

But result not save

NullArray commented 4 years ago

Google has probably changed the x-path elements in it's source code again. They do that sometimes, it's somewhat annoying but a manageable problem.

That said, this tool is overdue for an update in general. I will look into this and if i have the time, i will rewrite it in Py3 while i am at it. It's been a bit of a weird time lately, and i haven't gotten around to doing much work in the OSS scene in general.

However, i am committed to maintaining my tools and release new ones in the future. In fact i am working on a big project, but i can't reveal too much of it at the moment.

In any case give me a bit to look into the issue and i will get back to you.