NullArray / DorkNet

Selenium powered Python script to automate searching for vulnerable web apps.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem dorking #9

Open psychomad opened 5 years ago

psychomad commented 5 years ago

Hello Maybe is just a ench request.. if i use complex dorking such:

"HostingAccelerator" intitle:"login" +"Username" -"news" -demo

I receive an error "not recognized"

Maybe there's a way to bypass this?

Thanks in advance

NullArray commented 5 years ago

Basically only one dork per line is supported at this time. You might be able to bypass this limitation by structuring the string related to the dork like so:

" 'HostingAccelerator' intitle:'login' +'Username' -'news' -demo"

This way DorkNet reads the in the string as a whole. I could tweak the program in such a way as to make sure that even if the line contains more than one operator, so -intext:test -inurl:example for instance, that it is treated as a complete string without the need to worry about where you put the quotation marks.

psychomad commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot