NullCode1337 / NullRAT

Your next stealthy Remote Access Trojan
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[not issue] Trolled function #5

Closed i6c closed 3 years ago

i6c commented 3 years ago

I have made a trolled function for this project take a look.. i am new to programming

import ctypes,os
def isAdmin():
        is_admin = (os.getuid() == 0)
    except AttributeError:
        is_admin = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0
    return is_admin

checks if user ran the program as admin

def trolled():
    if isAdmin():
        print("Administrator detected! Continuing...")
        print("Administrator rights are required! Exiting...")
    print ("This is a placebo")
    print ("You are wasting your time...")
    print ("Keep waiting i guess")
    input("You are rate limited! Try again?")


this is to troll the user into thinking they are installing a update or hack etc.. and in this time you can install other codes.. what do you guys think?

NullCode1337 commented 3 years ago

wtf is this supposed to do... NullRAT has no console; it hides directly in the background

so that the user has no idea something is going on

but yea I'm pretty sure the code works, so great job ig (psst, star the repo so that it gets more famous)