NullVoxPopuli / ember-resources

An implementation of Resources. Supports ember 3.28+
MIT License
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Simple example not working #91

Closed MichalBryxi closed 2 years ago

MichalBryxi commented 2 years ago

I was hoping to use this library to remove weird patterns I've been using where I have a service to load data from the API and then provide them across the whole app. But I'm failing to figure out what to do.

import { LifecycleResource } from 'ember-resources';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

export default class CompanyResource extends LifecycleResource {
  @service store;
  @tracked company;

  setup() {

  update() {

  async doAsyncTask() { = (await'company'))[0]; // weirdness of the API, don't ask

And then use it in my service without the weird tricks:

import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { useResource } from 'ember-resources';
import CompanyResource from 'frontend/resources/company';

export default class SettingsService extends Service {
  @service store;

  companyResource = useResource(this, CompanyResource, () => []);

  get company() {

  get foo() {

And finally usage of the service:

import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import Controller from '@ember/controller';

export default class SomeController extends Controller {
  @service settings;

Which gives me:

helpers.js:114 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of undefined
MichalBryxi commented 2 years ago

Also the thing here is that I don't have (yet) a case where the data would need to be recalculated. i.e: It's not dependent on anything. Load once and provide everywhere kind of pattern.

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago won't have a value until after findAll resolves, so you'll need to provide a default value within your custom resource, maybe like:

import { LifecycleResource } from 'ember-resources';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

export default class CompanyResource extends LifecycleResource {
  @service store;
  @tracked _company;

  get company() {
    return this._company ?? {};

  setup() {

  update() {

  async doAsyncTask() {
    this._company = (await'company'))[0]; // weirdness of the API, don't ask

Also, if you're doing vanilla async functions manually, I'd recommend looking at the logic in the FunctionRunner resource to see what common reactivity pitfalls could be around the corner:

MichalBryxi commented 2 years ago

Hmm, does not really work for me. If I do:

export default class CompanyResource extends LifecycleResource {
  @service store;
  @tracked _company;

  get company() {
    return this._company?.firstObject ?? {};

  setup() {

  update() {

  async doAsyncTask() {
    this._company = await'company'); // weirdness of the API, don't ask

I will get following order:


So the getter for the company is never re-kicked even though the value of @tracked _company was changed.

MichalBryxi commented 2 years ago

What do you mean by "Also, if you're doing vanilla async functions manually"? I just copied LifecycleResource from the README because that sounded like the thing I want. Do you have a suggestion that this code should use different pattern @NullVoxPopuli ?

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

I made some sample tests (which all pass on default ember-source) that kinda take your example:

I'm freely admitting the README needs some work 🤔 but I'm not sure what exactly it needs -- partially because I'm not sure how to organize the information

MichalBryxi commented 2 years ago

I went through a few hoops here, but I think the problem in my case was that the place that was using the resource was not consuming it correctly, because of a legacy code that had something like:

get companyName() {

And because the @computed was not pointing at respective prop, the result was not working as expected.