NullVoxPopuli / pnpm-sync-dependencies-meta-injected

Temp work-around while is iterated on
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How to combine this with the new Turborepo watch mode #6

Open weyert opened 1 month ago

weyert commented 1 month ago

I was wondering if you have been experimenting with the new watch mode that Turborepo is offering and how it can be leveraged to sync the injected dependencies of a project.

NullVoxPopuli commented 1 month ago

i have not -- as I usually run pnpm-sync-dependencies-meta-injected with the consumer before/during their build as pnpm-sync-dependencies-meta-injected already has a watch mode -- via --watch

I haven't tried turbo's watch mode yet, but it sounds interesting -- how does it work? I think pnpm-sync-dependencies-meta-injected would already have the support needed, and this is more a documentation of how you'd integrate the two, yeah?

weyert commented 1 month ago

The watch mode is still being development but my current understanding how it works is like this:

If you have a project1 that depends on package1, and package2. The project1 has a script defined in its package.json named dev and the package1 and package2 workspace packages have script defined named build. When you make a change to package1 it would build this package and after that it would restart or re-run the dev-script command of the project1-project.

There is an open issue at Turborepo raised by me: