NumEconCopenhagen / lectures-2019

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Problem set 1: Optimization solvers results based on initial guess #5

Open BjornCilleborg opened 5 years ago

BjornCilleborg commented 5 years ago

I couldn't raise an issue in the PS1 exercise repository, so I am creating it here instead. Feel free to (re)move the post if necessary.

My issue/question is regarding the solvers in PS1: As the utility is dependent on the initial guess how should we define the initial guess so it is robust to a large variance in the denominator?

To illustrate consider the following:

from scipy import optimize

def utility_function(x,alpha):
    u = 1
    for x_now,alpha_now in zip(x,alpha):
        u *= np.max(x_now,0)**alpha_now
    return u

def expenditures(x,p):
    E = 0
    for x_now,p_now in zip(x,p):
        E += p_now*x_now
    return E

def print_solution(x,alpha,I,p):

    # a. x values
    text = 'x = ['
    for x_now in x:
        text += f'{x_now:.2f} '
    text += f']\n'

    # b. utility
    u = utility_function(x,alpha)    
    text += f'utility = {u:.3f}\n'

    # c. expenditure vs. income
    E =  expenditures(x,p)
    text += f'E = {E:.2f} <= I = {I:.2f}\n'

    # d. expenditure shares
    e = p*x/I
    text += 'expenditure shares = ['
    for e_now in e:
        text += f'{e_now:.2f} '
    text += f']'        


alpha = np.ones(5)/5
p = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
I = 10

Solution using a constrained optimizer:

# a. contraint function (negative if violated)
constraints = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x:  I-expenditures(x,p)})
bounds = [(0,I/p_now) for p_now in p]

# b. call optimizer
initial_guess = (I/p)/100# some guess
res = optimize.minimize(
    lambda x: -utility_function(x,alpha),initial_guess,

# c. print result

Changing initial_guess = (I/p)/100 to initial_guess = (I/p)/1 changes the utility from 0.768 to 0.000.

Conversely, for the solution using an unconstrained optimizer:

# a. define objective function
def unconstrained_objective(x,alpha,I,p):

    penalty = 0
    E = expenditures(x,p)
    if E >= I:
        ratio = I/E
        x *= ratio # now p*x = I
        penalty = 1000*(E-I)**2

    u = utility_function(x,alpha)
    return -u + penalty

# b. call optimizer
initial_guess = (I/p)/10000
res = optimize.minimize(

# c. print result

Changing the code from initial_guess = (I/p)/1 to initial_guess = (I/p)/10000 changes the utility from 0.768 to 0.000

Looking instead at the loops we consider the code snippet using raw loops:

N = 15 # number of points in each dimension
fac = np.linspace(0,1,N) # vector betweein 0 and 1
x_max = I/p # maximum x so E = I

u_best = -np.inf
x_best = np.empty(5)
for x1 in fac:
    for x2 in fac:
        for x3 in fac:
            for x4 in fac:
                for x5 in fac:
                    x = np.array([x1,x2,x3,x4,x5])*x_max
                    E = expenditures(x,p)
                    if E <= I:
                        u_now = utility_function(x,alpha)
                        if u_now > u_best:
                            x_best = x
                            u_best = u_now


If we change the original value N = 15 to N = 6 the utility changes from 0.758 to 0.768 (same as the the solvers above), however changing it to N = 5 yields a utility of 0.000. How do we determine the "optimal" or correct number of points in each dimension for our linespacing?

JeppeDruedahl commented 5 years ago

Really good questions! All questions (also on the problem sets) should be asked here.

Firstly, on the numerical optimizers:

  1. Initial guesses outside the constraints should be avoided. initial_guess = (I/p)/1 violates this.
  2. Initial guesses with small numbers is problematic due to how the optimizers decide how to stop (its tolerance).
  3. Initial guesses very far from the optimum might imply that it takes too many iterations for the optimizers to find the solution. Try print(res.message) to see if the optimizer has converged properly.

Common solution: Add options={'maxiter':5000},tol=1e-10 to the optimer calls.

Secondly, on the loops::

Try looking at fac when N = 5. The lowest number is 0.25. I.e. E <= 0 is only satisfied when one of the budget shares is zero. Higher N is always better in the limit.