NumEconCopenhagen / projects-2019-mk

projects-2019-mk created by GitHub Classroom
MIT License
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Peer Feedback by kdr104 #3

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago
  1. The best part of the project was:

    • I like your way of presenting data with both graphs, tables and regression.
    • I also enjoyed that you have your formulas writting in the notebook in the google search part.
  2. The hardest part of the project to understand was:

    • The hardest part was to get a clear understanding of how your notebook and code interact with your external packages.
    • Also having your notebook named "testaflevering" is not intuitive for the reader. I wasn't sure if this was the end product or not.
  3. An idea for an improvement/clarification could be:

    • Sort/clean your import. You have a dublicate in there and you should probably make alias for all of them.
    • Your notebook is messy. There are no sections/subsections for the reader to navigate through
    • There is not a guide on how to install your required packages.
    • Some legends on your graphs are messy
  4. An idea for an extension could be:

    • First of all you should make your code more user friendly - maybe make a comment section in the beginning that tells you to install packages with anaconda promt.
    • As said in the improvement/clarification part, you should try to section your code with well documented strings in your notebook as well.
    • Due to the complicity of how your code works with packages you should extend your readme-file with more info.