NumEconCopenhagen / projects-2019-mk

projects-2019-mk created by GitHub Classroom
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Modelproject feedback #8

Open nhx737 opened 5 years ago

nhx737 commented 5 years ago

The best part of the project was: I really do like your visualisations

The hardest part of the project to understand was: The sections following the Monte Carlo simulation. It would have made quite a difference, if I had had a few comments to specify what is going on and why you are doing it.

An idea for an improvement/clarification could be: I took me some time to figure out it was not due to failure at your end but my patience when running your notebook. A quick reminder would have saved me a few minutes. That's life. I would have preferred a few more sentences and commenting on what actually goes on. However, I do think you have done more than enough to fulfil the requirements

An idea for an extension could be: No extensions are needed, I would put a bit more effort into the text part and explanations of what is going on